crazy dreams


i was at work, but it had all these new departments so i couldnt find the canteen! i was wandering around for fkn days it felt!
then a policeman came into the establishment and asked me where i could find such and such a person cause she had phoned the police about something she eaten in the canteen but then he bumped into his sister who worked there, so i lost him for a bit.
i managed to climb up a wall into some other department and found the woman he was looking for, and i said to her, "the police are here looking for you" then she started giving me verbal abuse for being in her department whilst she was serving customers who were all buying clothes pegs, so then i jumped onto an escalator to escape from her.
a wee bit later i bumped into my boss and he asked what me what i was doing, so i told him that i was looking for a woman who had phoned the police about something she ate in the canteen, he told me i was talking garbage and to get back to work, but i couldnt find the bit where i was supposed to work.
then i bumped into the policeman again who was a really nice guy, but he said he was bored looking for the woman and we both decided to go to a stairwell and have a beer each. we chatted for a bit about why hamburgers shouldnt be kept in zooz

THE END (cause then i woke up)

feel free to share your crazy dreams.

also do you also get lost all the time in your dreams?

ps, i did actually work at that place for 6 months in real life, until i got the sack!

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
quest for the holy grail/bitchy lady? thats a grail you dont want to find!
i get lost alot in my dreams too, and in real life too for that matter! usually its in really large buildings.
i had a dream where everyone i knew had to go to this pool party, it was supposed to boost morale or something like that. in the pool there were tons of large fish that would brush against you and nibble on you. well they had games too, and the game was like dodgeball with blades. people were smiling like it was great fun and throwing these sharp discs at each other. i opted out of the game, too bad the fish didnt have that option!

i should add, i'm not a violent person, i just have scary dreams!
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Well-known member
I have dreams every now and then where I am back at school. I'm always lost and wandering around the coridoors looking for where I should be. I usually have lost my timetable so walk around looking for it. I feel really nervous as I'm going to get in trouble for being late. Sometimes there are strange backwards stairs that are impossible to climb. It's a relief when I wake up and realise I left school years ago. These dreams aren't as bad ass the teeth falling out ones though.