Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis


New member
After 12 years of being treated for menopause related hot flushes - HRT tablets, patches and gel, I now believe that I have misdiagnosed and actually have Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis.

I have done quite a bit of reading, and all my symptoms fit. I had bloods taken at the HRT Clinic on Tuesday, and they are testing for thyroid and pituatry function, as well as estrodial levels.

My questions are ....

How do I get my GP to take me seriously and get a proper diagnosis?

What treatments are known to work with this condition?

I am a 56 year old post menopausal female. I have thick hair, which is wet with sweat about 75% of the time. My glasses steam up, and I have to have the A/C in the car on maximum directed at my head in order to drive.
Any advice please?


If you have a doctor who's been treating you for menopause for 12 years, I think you need to find a different doctor!

The fact that you've asked your question on a forum for sufferers of social phobia suggest to me that maybe you suspect that your condition might not be entirely somatic in origin. Good call, I'd say. It's certainly possible that your experience may be linked to something going on in your head, and not in your skin. You might be on the right track.

I'd suggest that you change doctors, and begin your doctor-patient relationship with him/her on the basis of this condition. That way, they'll be inclined to persue your case more specifically from the outset, if only to keep you as a patient!

Meanwhile, you might want to look into the possibility of chronic anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, and the like, to maybe pin down a cause, if the cause is in fact psychosomatic.

Good luck. :)