Cranial HH


New member
I'm 50 yrs old and have struggled with cranial HH since I was a teenager. To say it has impacted my life is an understatement. Though I've been somewhat successful in business, I often think of the things I could have accomplished if not for having to live my life around my HH. It first became a real problem in my early 20's when one day while giving a briefing the water works came on. I don't have to tell the folks on this forum that there is sweating and then there is HH. The more I became worried about when it would happend again, the more it became a phobia, and the lower the stress level that is required to trigger it.

I first tried treating is like a panic attack with medications like Xanax and beta blockers. I then switched to topical treatments that were basically the industrial strength antiprespirants applied to the scalp looked horrible on my hair.

It's probably been 15 years since I last sought treatment and have an appointment with my dermatologist in a few weeks to discuss options. ETS scares me (too many horror stories out there) and Botox sounds like it's too many injections ($$$). What's the latest out there in the treatment of cranial HH? What should I ask about?


Well-known member

I have posted a number of threads below over the last 2 years on this same subject as this is what affects me. If you get a channce, have a look at some of them because i forget all the detail posted over this time.

This has affected my whole life too and still does on a daily basis. A day doesn't go by without me working out my schedule and what hot and sticky situations I have to go to or which ones I can avoid. I have missed many social and work occasions because of it over the years and i generally can come up with a reason why. But i have also endured many other situations where i have just had to get on with it whilst looking like a sweaty mess from the neck up.

I have been using probanthine for the last 2 years available on prescription in the uk. The tablet is prescribed as 1 or 2, 4 times a day. Having read up on it and experienced it, regular usage is not effective and has some side effects. I use 1 or 2 tablets 45 minutes before a situation where i know I'll sweat. the good effect of dry skin lasts 3-4 hours but it must be taken on an empty stomach. Overall in the summer months, I tend to use it perhaps 6-8 times a month and the limited use seems to stop the worst effects and stop it becoming less effective. Others have not fared so well.

I also use secure wipes available from which have proved less effective but still have their place. In truth, I have not really put these through their paces over a sustained period of time to see their true effect.

Anyway, good luck with the dermatologist, the one I saw was worse than useless and totally uninterested. I think he thought that i was making it all up ....
