counseling or therapy advice


I am trying to find information on therapists that deal with relationship/intimacy issues. But all of them have to deal with couples in relationships not with single people who can't commit to relationships.

I have a great deal of anxiety that comes over me whenever I try to enter into a relationship with a girl. A feeling of insufficiency and being trapped and anxious comes over me. I am able to get girlfriends but I quickly find myself running away. It is just too much for me. I'm sick of that and I need help but I don't know what kind of therapist specializes in this type of issue?

Can anybody point me in a direction?


Well-known member
Maybe somone could post some article on that subject...

I have a dreadful fear of any relationship , bussiness, friends, and most painly girls..


Well-known member
I don't know much. However, therapies that involve mindfulness seem to be used for various emotional problems. I think there is Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical _____ Therapy, and a few others that all involve the use of "mindfulness" for improving how a person feels and thinks.
"Dialectical ____ Therapy" I think may be used for when strong emotional attachment/avoidance regarding relationships is involved, but I am not sure.

Perhaps read up about Mindfulness as a potential therapy and if you are impressed by it you could then look into finding a therapist that specifically focusses on it. I am, obviously, quite impressed by it.

You could also ask your gp about it, describing your problems.


Well-known member
Today , racing thoughts did wake me up and i feel tired whole day. Few days ago , ive just tried to observe them and surprisngly theyve gone(althoigh i took me a lot time to manage).
I see that as a small victory , but sometimes it is unbearble, like they are
much stronger than my strenght of will. Like today.
I try to notice everything beside me, every noise, every shadow on a wall,
my breathing, my emotions (it is especially difficult to observer myself) so in this manner few days ago i tried to meditate on a street corner LOL!
I stood there for unknown amount of time, so i was almost late on a social meeting that i had arranged before. It is good that i wasnt obsessed about that social situation. Yet, it still seems this whole thing like some way about total lobothomy, but it is likely that i need something like that.
I read site that sabbath posted, but it is confusing me, so much methods.
I ll try to get me a worry trap book he mentioned, have u got any good recommendation as a apprentice , for me beginner.

I really dont know where to start reading about mindfulness, and i dont know if anyone in my area is aknowledged with it. I will ask around.
How did u start and btw what is gp.


New member
Hi Mufan, I would check out this awesome site I found called They have therapists all over the world who help people to heal this kind of anxiety.

mufan said:
I am trying to find information on therapists that deal with relationship/intimacy issues. But all of them have to deal with couples in relationships not with single people who can't commit to relationships.

I have a great deal of anxiety that comes over me whenever I try to enter into a relationship with a girl. A feeling of insufficiency and being trapped and anxious comes over me. I am able to get girlfriends but I quickly find myself running away. It is just too much for me. I'm sick of that and I need help but I don't know what kind of therapist specializes in this type of issue?

Can anybody point me in a direction?