Couldn't talk to relative on phone today


Well-known member
My dad phoned my aunt today and spoke to her and then when my mum was talking to her, my dad asked me if i wanted to have a word. The first thing that came to my head was "What am i going to say?" so i sort of said a quiet no and went upstairs ackwardly incase they would force the phone onto me. I'm shy with my relatives so i wouldn't know what to say specially as I don't have a busy active life at the mo. I could say hi and how are you, but then i wouldn't know where to go from there. Most people talk about what they have done these past few weeks but i've done really nothing exciting :cry: . So i would hate to have ackward silences. My dad then said "i dunno, what your auntie thinks when you don't want to talk to her." But then he don't really understand what it's like to have SA :(


Well-known member

understand that. I also often forced to talk to my relative on the phone and I did it because I don't want them to think bad about me like I don't want to talk to them. But was very awkward and I let them ask me first and then I asked them what they've just asked to me cause I don't any know anything else to say. Then after few questions, nothing more to say and it was like silence..., I hate that but didn't know what to do. Usually after that they ended up the talking, knowing the awkwardness of the situation. Then the thought about that silly conversation will flood my mind for a while...
Yeah, just want to share...sometimes we have no choice but to bear the bad feelings, whether we chose to take the phone or not.


Well-known member
It happens to me as well, I hate having to do phone calls. Relatives can be especially tricky to handle because in theory you should know them very well and there should be no reason for embarassment, but precisely because of this there is a general expectation that you should ask each other a lot of questions on private matters, which is annoying.
It depends on the person also. I like those people who talk continously about themselves, and don't even seem to perceive your embarassment. With those you can just relax, stretch back and listen, while saying the occasional "yes, yes" from time to time. It's very comfortable.

I think the worst by far, to deal with at the phone, are the fellow shy people :)


Well-known member
I can understand how you feel. It's very frustrating how SP can prevent you from even talking to your family and relatives over the phone 'successfully'. Out of all the people you should be able to talk easily too, it should be them.


Well-known member
i completley understand but my relatives dont understand abut my SP.
My mum and dad are going to visit my auntie uncle and my cousin (cousin is flying over from australia) they are meeting next sat and i just cant face going!i h8 it i never know what 2 say and just sit there i turn in 2 a "mute" and i feel like im 5 or something rather than 22,and i feel like they think im weird and that they think y cant she act normal????arghhh im stressing out now lol