could use some advice

last spring i almost od'd drugs and alcohol. i was sooooo drunk when i took those pills. it happened at family friend's house. it was on purpose. i was unhappy with life for various of reasons.

now this family that i've know since i was a young child don't even want me around unless my parents are which makes me feel like I need a "babysitter" Their "son, brother, father, friend" died of a drug overdose at a young age. (I've heard diffrent stories how he died) less than 2yrs. ago. He was a heavy drinker and did drugs.

What makes me upset is they invite people over that are related to me and exclude me. This has happened many times before the incident. I used to invite myself over to their house because I had noone else to hang out with and felt lonely. Now I've a couple bar I like going to which is the next best thing than being alone and found confidence in doing more things that I like to do.