Could anti-depressants, CBT and Visualisation be it.


Well-known member
Ignore me please. However I have an opinion on SA. I am of the opinion that there is no cure as such. However from my own experience it can be managed and improved. I suggest follow the usual advice. Appropriate medication, CBT and visualisation. Just stick with it. The hard part is the CBT. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone. However it is in my opinion necessary. Determination and taking social risks is the key to overcoming these fears. One small step at a time. Then climb that fucken stair case. Yeah!!!!!!!!
Johno said:
Ignore me please. However I have an opinion on SA. I am of the opinion that there is no cure as such. However from my own experience it can be managed and improved. I suggest follow the usual advice. Appropriate medication, CBT and visualisation. Just stick with it. The hard part is the CBT. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone. However it is in my opinion necessary. Determination and taking social risks is the key to overcoming these fears. One small step at a time. Then climb that fucken stair case. Yeah!!!!!!!!

CBT wasn't for me. However Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has helped me a lot. ACT has taught me I can live with SA, depression, etc. Anxiety and depression are normal parts of life and with ACT I can deal with them better and without meds.


I think I probably had SA before it was named. I applied CBT since teenage hood before it ever existed, and I've always had a good imagination and therefore visualising since I could remember. I can honestly say I think it has worked for me. I don't get depressed these days. I'm no social whirl, but that tends to be because my life is busy. I think everyone suffers to a certain extent with SA. That doesn't mean it has to be crippling. Find what works for you and persist. That's the key for me.


I agree, CBT and medical help. CBT is hard work and requires a commitment. And I tend to be lazy and not always have the best attitude. So I don't follow it to the letter, but I have benefited from it.

I'm on a combination of Effexor and Wellbutrin which works well for me with no real side effects. I also take Ativan on a need basis. I agree that it will never go away, but can greatly be improved and controlled. So don't give up, and remember, you will only get out of it what you put into it.
