Could an injury cause HH?

I have a question, maybe someone could assist.

I have HH, mainly in my face. In trying to come to grips with the problem I am trying to find the source of the problem and see if there was anything leading to this.

I am 28 years old now. When I was 13 I played a Rugby match and injured one of my testicles causing it to swell and turn very odd colours. (Purple like a broken nose).

This coloration dissappeared but the swelling did not and it feels like a gel like fluid that is still there.

I am in no way trying to gross anyone out, I am just curious as one of the causes for HH is hormonal problems and that area is where everything starts.

Could it affect my hormones to such an extend that it could induce me with the symptoms of HH?

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts, please share them.
I know the general stuff, but if you find anything relating to hormone changes it will help as I have yet to find articles relating to the specific cause. I will now go through your links and see if there is new facts.

Thank you.


Well-known member
I'd have to assume one of your nuts still works ok. If not, menopause wouldn't be such a strange idea. There are several reports of hot flashes in castrated men (and menopausal women) caused by excessive CGRP...

Do a search for CGRP and hot flashes, you'll see.



Well-known member
Short answer: Yes it can. Several cases are reported where the victim of for example a car accident is troubled with strange sweat patterns, due to replacement/damage of the Sympathetic Nerve System, that helps control our sweating.