Constantly depressed


Having sa really sucks.. but having relentless never ending constant severe depression on top is really killing me I mean.. social anxiety really limits my quality of life,as im not dealing with it well.. and havnt got to the stage where i can confront my fears and try going out and socalising ect ect. but with the depression on top i cant even enjoy the things i can do like drawing, reading.. play on my pc spending time with my fammily ect.And it saps all my motivation.. meaning i struggle to get my ass in gear and do the basic of tasks like housework.

Ive spoke to different doctors about it.. and all ive had done so far is different drugs given to me when the last ones they give me dont work.I started c.b.t aswell which i actualy think could help.. but the person i have it with is currently off work so.Anyone in or been in the same situation? and if so is there any advise you can give.. even the smallest bit of advice i would appreciate as i cant stand living like this, its really doing my head in.


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel...sorry I can't really give any good advice though :( Wish I did have some. Lately I just wish I would die. Nothing is ever going to improve anyway, so why should I bother to live?


Thanks Shauna for replying to me.It was probaly silly of me to post after all.. if there was some quick way to help get over depression.. none of us would be depressed would we.

Sorry to hear that you want to die hun :( i really am.I can relate though.. i was at that stage not to long ago.. and although im far far away from being cured.I got better.Like yourself i didnt think things could improve.. but well i dont want to die anymore.. and a few other things have improved aswell.So although you may not think they will.. and you might not even notice..and might be really slow but things will improve for you.

And im sure you have some things to live for.. your fammily for one, im sure your very imortant to them.And for another reason.. you would be missed!!! by me and im sure a lot of other people on here would miss you aswell.


LittleMissScareAll said:
I know exactly how you feel...sorry I can't really give any good advice though :( Wish I did have some. Lately I just wish I would die. Nothing is ever going to improve anyway, so why should I bother to live?
:cry: Please don't think like that :cry:


Well-known member
I know how you feel,depression really loves to kick you when your down,never happy so hard to do the basic crap,sucks any motivation you have right out of you.After seeing what anti depressants can do to you id rather avoid those if possible but im really getting sick of it all,theres only so much of it we can take,


Boundless said:
Ibut im really getting sick of it all,theres only so much of it we can take,

Yeah its really frustrating.. which i obviously dont need to tell you.Sorry for whining i know it doesnt help but its hell when you have it on a day to day basis and dont get no break from it.

And hereandnow, all i got told was the lady i was seeing was off ill and she has/had to have surgery.. im figuring if she wasnt coming back they would of said its just how long i have to wait i guess.. i only had to wait a year to start it.. whats a few more months :?

Sorry people.. rant over :oops:

edit: I just realized that this post wasn't of any help at all..just mindless selfish crap. I wish I had advice for you, but I really don't. I'm trying to figure it out for myself at the moment. It's a personal need to find the root of it. I really don't know what to tell you... 'ya gotta keep ya head up, even if the road is hard, never give up' (I noticed the photograph of 2pac as your avatar, so I thought I'd slip in a 2pac reference...thought it would be funny....maybe not so*cough*... .. :oops: ......*silently exits thread*.


Well-known member
Hi Danny,
Sorry to hear you're feeling so low.
Depression is the worst feeling in the world. It sucks the life out of everything.
If you've been depressed for a while its even worse as you start to forget how it feels to be any other way.
Try & remember its an illness...that alot of people suffer from..& its happenning to you, it's not who you are. Treat yourself really kindly, anyway you can...& don't put pressure on yourself to try & fix everything at once...
sorry I can't be more help...I hope you start to feel a bit better soon


Hehe ta Peaceinthevalley, your post put a smile on my face. And i dont know what you wrote before you edited it.. but i doubt it was mindless selfish crap.And if it was you speaking about having a hard time with the same thing, it definatley wasnt crap at all.And guess your right.. it is a personal thing.. so its probaly only me who can sort it out.

And thanks Blubs aswell for your words of encouragement.Its hard to remember its an illness.. because ive had it that long now.. its like it is a part of me and just who i am. :? Anyways thanks everyone :)



Well-known member
hey danny, i've not got too much to say either, only that i know that you're a great person inside and glad you're still posting and getting your feelings out. i wish there was a quick fix to it all, depression gets to me worse than the SA does. i hope you start feeling better soon - go out and change your environment, that's been my best remedy. hope things change for the better your way.

hang in there and we're all here for you ((((hugs))))