Constant vicious cycle.


New member
Social anxiety is one thing but add depression to the mix im just completely useless. I have this intense brainfog which means even the simplest of tasks is impossible. Constant lethargy. I cant function around anyone. Its literally like I just exist. My anxiety is so severe i even cant talk to my friends, Ill turn my phone off for days to avoid any interaction "get a job" everyone says theres no way I can work with how stupid I am at the moment and with the constant anxiety. Im wasting away but feel helpless to change it at the same time. Everyday im just hoping Ill eventually have the guts to end my shitty existence I can feel my parents and everyone around me getting annoyed at my hopelessness. The thought of a future like this scares the shit out of me. Sorry for my negativity. I just am so fed up with myself


Well-known member
This is also the story of my life, except for the part where I avoid people.. I've avoided everyone for so long there's no one to avoid anymore, I turn into a complete different anxious person around people now and I hate it. If you have any friends that you don't want to lose I would try not to avoid them too much, once you isolate yourself it only gets worse, even though it feels good to be alone at the moment. Maybe try therapy?