Confused mess...


New member
Hey guys,

I'd really like for some assistance in wat i can do :(
I have OCD, with a nice list of stupid things it compells me to do all of which are sending me nuts.

The worst part is, im on medication for it and it seems its not working. Im taking a daily Anxioulytic (lexapro, anti anxiety). And when times get worse in terms of feeling anxious, i was given a valium brother sedative type medication (lexotan). Now at first, it seemed they were working... now i find they dont work at all. I get anxious just as easily as i did prior treatment, the sedative doesnt seem to calm me down really at all (even after taking slightly more than the doctor said) and i dont know wat to do...

I was told since the anxioulytic is a small dosage of an antidepressant it would take 4 weeks to start working. Its been about 6 and already in this time, panic attacks have become more frequent and i contemplated suicide more frequently after becoming severely depressed. How is this possible? on an antidepressant... Because my old reasoning was (cos im a big girl i couldnt harm myself) that there was no way it could be done, without hurting myself. Well now i got a box of tablets that sure would do the trick...

Ive done alot of reading on how OCD works, and i think with knowing that its making it worse in the sense it now can make me believe more things that shouldnt be right. I want to see the doctor again, atleast i think i do. But in my head its telling me its all fine and theres nothing wrong, i dont need to go back and see him.

I feel too anxious too much of the time, and im really confused and need some help in what to do...



You need go to the doctor. You can't hurt yourself you need do only for yourself a somethings necessaries, don't force your machine.

Be quiet.


New member
Well the last time i went to the doctors to get the medication in the first place, i froze up and couldnt manage to really tell him most of the problems/symptoms...

I just want out of my head cos i dont wanna turn into a manic serial killer or paedophile! :cry:


Yes, I understand you.

Doctors normaly attack her clients and want's reviewer your panic experiences. Don't careful. If the doctor don't help you. You can help yourself, only need study psicoanalism in your house: Freud, etc.

Believe me, is a god solution but don't hurt yourself.

Bye :)