Confident in the classroom, but shy after hours

Hi there!
I'm a 40 year old swm, I'm a teacher, and love my job, i know i'm a good teacher...I just don't seem to have a life outside of teaching-

In social settings like bars or clubs, i'm totally tounge tied and very nervous. I have no problem attending social venues like concerts, or going to the gym-
I just don't talk to anybody. It's just when i have to interasct with strangers that I get very flustered- I always hoped to be married and have kids by this point in my life, but have found the older I get, the less confifident i feel around women- as a result, my love life is in a coma....i hope to find the inner strength and resolve to seize life before it totally passes me by.

I cringe at the horrible prospects of growing old alone...


Hi T. Charles, welcome to SPW!

I'm the same way, I can attend concerts, but when I get there I don't talk to anyone. Luckily I found my wife by answering personal ads. These days I think internet dating can offer you a way to get to know women before actually meeting them. Anyways I hope you find someone soon.


Well-known member
i think it takes practice. the more you put yourself in that situation the easier it becomes. maybe join a club or something. Do something outside of a drinking venue to meet people? Maybe just aim to feel comfortable talking to women first... with practice and no preconceptions..

Think of ways that might make you a more confident person.