Confidence from Alcohol


Well-known member
I have kept many of the same friends since elementary school. I'm in high school now, grade 11. One friend however, the one I considered my 'best' friend, is becoming harder to understand. We would do everything together in elementary school (when I barely had SA)...I'd invite her to our cabin, the beach, the movies, shopping, vacations, amusement parks...etc. All of the normal stuff kids do.

The thing is, she never invited me anywhere! I barely went to her house at all unless it was a birthday party. She didn't call be, but communicated through e-mails. Now I understand that she probably has social anxiety, like what I have now, and I'm fine with that now.

The thing is, we still talk now in high school, but she doesn't tell me anything. She was talking about being hungover, and I didn't even know she drinks. Actually, it sort of shocked me to hear it because she's not the type to. I didn't think she was anyways. Apparently she goes to random parties with older kids she doesn't know. I know with SA I would NEVER even attempt to do this! I've noticed that since she's gone to these parties she's been talking to many more people. Ones who are quite the partiers and the ones who are very loud. You would think she's a very confidence person, but still she never calls, and we still only talk over MSN or emails or at school and I'm still the one who has to initiate activities. I don't get it. :roll: Anyone know what might be up with her? What has alcohol done for you? It seems like at school in front of the people she drinks with she's confident. Yet, around me and the people who haven't seen her drink she's still anxious and nervous.


Well, why do you think people drink at parties in the first place? Of course it's the alcohol that is giving her confidence. The fact that she's young, female, and probably has a low tolerance makes it still more likely.

Then again, it could also be that she is becoming more comfortable with her insecurities and gradually overcoming her SA. The new friends she's making might keep her distracted from spending as much time with you, but you should still be happy for her success... right?

Or she might just be bored with you. The two of you might be growing apart right now, and maybe for a while you should try making some new friends or hanging out with some different people. It's part of the course of life, friendships wax and wane from time to time. It isn't a tragedy, it does not mean that you'll never be close with her again, although your SA could make this situation seem like a bigger deal than it is.

Talk to her about it?