Color My Thoughts Blank

I stood there full of color;
the window to my soul
had naught but a placid sky
the sun shined brightly over head.
There was an everlasting silence
surrounding me,
leaving me in a state of solitude.
I had an eternity to

The sound of nothing was more colorful;
full of life
more than anything I made
of my own accord.
The division between myself and
the rest of the world
Is nothing more than a sheet of glass
Restricting me from them.
A glass so thin, I may have just
imagined it.

For the vision I have been granted
I am quite blind.
The sight of my deteriorating mind
leaves me breathless and
The sensation of emotion has long been
And the colors I have become accustomed to
have all turned into bland varying shades of
Black and White.

If this sham of a life is the one I have been given,
Do I have to believe there is no way out?
With my imaginary separation from the rest
can I return to my beginning?
I want to paint my world with an eraser.
I will color my thoughts blank.