Colloidal Gold


Well-known member
Anybody ever used colloidal gold?

I haven't yet, but from what I've read, it seems to have some powerful effect on the mind:

Colloidal Gold has strong unequaled effects on physical health AND emotional health.

Besides making you feel happier with yourself and those around you, it will relax you almost to the point of happy passivity. The interesting paradox is that at the same time of causing complete relaxation and calming of your entire neural system, it has the proven ability to increase your IQ up by 25-35% when 3.5ml is taken sublingual each day for a month or two.


The healing possibilities regarding gold treatment include immunoregulatory activity, inhibition of infections (viral and bacterial), stabilization of collagen and inhibition or release of lysosomal enzyme activity. It will help create a balancing and harmonizing effect on regulating the rhythmic action and healing activity of the heart, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate sluggish organs (including the brain), assist the digestive system, as well as promoting renewed VITALITY and LONGEVITY.

Colloidal Gold has been found useful in cases of regulating and coordinating glandular and nervous systems because it helps to rejuvenate glands and stimulate nerves. It helps release pressure on neural pathways allowing nerve signals to function unimpeded and reach various organs and glands.

Colloidal Gold can also help to regulate body temperature. Gold is a catalyst for endorphin-like hormones, as well as the antioxidant enzyme SOD.

click here to read testimonials.


Well-known member
I have tried colloidal silver. I didn't notice much difference, but you never know!


Well-known member
Hi Sable,

I read though that colloidal silver doesn't have the same attributes (maybe some they have in common) as colloidal gold. Colloidal silver works more like an antibiotic without the bad side effects and colloidal gold is also good for certain physical ailments, but more so for it's positive effects on the nervous system and it would also give an euphoric feeling.

But again, I haven't tried it myself yet, so I'm not speaking out of experience. Colloidal silver is more known than colloidal gold, I have the impression, so I thought it was worth mentioning for people who are looking for natural formula's ..