College and other things


New member
Hey guys! This is my first thread/comment, and I'm sure ya'll have heard these things before. But I've got to get some thoughts out of my head. I'm not really sure that I have SA or I'm just really shy, but I'm certainly avoidant and rarely take risks. I found this site after becoming really frustrated with my life in college. I'm a sophomore now, and I live off-campus with some family. Last year I lived in the dorms and was basically a recluse, only made 1 friend by the end of the year not including my roommates. To make things worse, I've been losing contact with friends back home and those relationships are dwindling. The only person I talk to on a daily basis are my dad and my sister. About 3 months ago my dad convinced me to see a school counselor and I've been able to express my social frustrations and have made some progress. Just the other day I asked a girl out for the first time and got a "maybe." She is probably more shy than me and I think I caught her off-guard. Anyway, I just find it so frustrating that even in a place where there are many thousands of kids my age, I feel so distant. Sometimes I get bitter and feel like Holden from Catcher in the Rye. It seems like everyone here is so fake and happy, I can't stand feeling left out. I guess I just wanted to know if college makes anyone else feel this way, and maybe some solutions to meet similar minded people. It seems like most students just drink and party, which isnt my scene. Thanks for hearing me out guys and nice to meet you! :)


New member
Hello friends,,,,,This is sneha here,,,,,,,I agree it...I'm not really sure that I have SA or I'm just really shy, but I'm certainly avoidant and rarely take risks. I found this site after becoming really frustrated with my life in college. I'm a sophomore now, and I live off-campus with some family. Last year I lived in the dorms and was basically a recluse, only made 1 friend by the end of the year not including my roommates. To make things worse, I've been losing contact with friends back home and those relationships are dwindling. The only person I talk to on a daily basis are my dad and my sister. About 3 months ago my dad convinced me to see a school counselor and I've been able to express my social frustrations and have made some progress. Just the other day I asked a girl out for the first time and got a "maybe." She is probably more shy than me..........Thanks lot..:)