Coca Cola


Well-known member
Some people are addicted to Alcohol, some people are addicted to marijuna, some people are addicted to sex, some to themselves...

however Im addicted to Coca Cola - it wreaks havoc on any attempts to lose weight but the truth of the matter is that Coca Cola is the best thing I have to look forward to every day.

I KNOW it is bad for me and I KNOW its nearly impossible to lose weight without giving it up but I really dont know what to do.

I tried going cold turkey and my depression got worse and worse, I tried to slowly drink less and the same thing happened. And to make it worse, when I get VERY depressed I drink absolutely tonnes of the stuff... like 3 litres a day.

During weekdays I have about a litre a day and on weekends I usually have 3 (weekends is when Im lonliest)

how can I give it up? is there pills I can take? is Diet Coke better? Sprite? Coffee? anyone had to switch from Coke to something else before? I wanna lose weight so bad so people will stop making fun of me and maybe even accept me so please help


Well-known member
Diet coke is good. I actually find that if I try to drink regular coke it tastes too sweet for me. Pepsi max is usually a lot cheaper but it is an inferior product.

I guy I used to know had a weight problem purely from drinking softdrink. He changed to low cal and lost heaps of weight.


Well-known member
Diet coke has less (or no) sugar, but it has a load of sweeteners instead so it's still quite bad for you... but if you're trying to lose weight, give it a go.

(lol, I accidentally typed "dirt coke" instead of "diet coke". I guess it's my subconscious speaking. I think diet coke tastes like mouthwash mixed with washing up liquid.)


Well-known member
lmao at dirt coke

personally I think that Diet Coke tastes like regular coke thats been kept in a rusty can for ten years

a LOT of my weight issue is more than likely due to softdrink, hence why Im looking at options to try and change that.

I think I might try Diet Coke, what about Lemonade, is that any better than Coke?

I drink Diet coke its sugar free ya see.
Lemonade has got a lot of sugar in it can't you get pepsi max with less sugar in it i i'm not sure about pepsi max and diet pepsi has no sugar in it.

From Rosa


Well-known member
Its not really about what you eat or drink, its about excercising enough to use up those calories you have been consuming. Euuurrrgh excercise I hear you all Its true though. I know a lot of people hate excercise or are too busy but it can be fun. Ya don't even have to step outside your house to do it either. So, eat what you like...just make sure you compensate with excercise or the weight will stay on.

And Horatio, there are people out here that will accept you for who you are. (((((((Jumps up and down and waves at Horation)))))))


Well-known member
Have a look at the wrapper on a Coca-Cola 1.5 liter
bottle and in the ingredients label you will find
phosphoric acid in it. Minute quantities of ethylene
glycol are also used (which is acknowledged in the
soft drink world for making it really chill).
This is popularly known as anti-freeze which
prevents water from freezing at 0 deg C and
instead drops it 4-5 degrees with minute
quantities. This chemical is a known slow poison
in the caliber of arsenic.

So, if you manage to drink about 4 liters of Coke
within an hour or so, you can die. Read along and
give up these dangerous things. Be natural; have
flavored milks, tender coconuts, buttermilk, lassi
and plain water instead of these "soft" drinks.
Guess what's the pH for soft drinks, e.g. Coke?
PH 3.4! This acid ity is strong enough to dissolve
teeth and bones!

Our human body stops building bones at the age
of about 30. Softdrinks do not have any nutrition
value (in terms of vitamins & minerals). It is high in
sugar content, carbonic acid, chemicals i.e.
colorings etc.

Some like to take cold soft drinks after each meal.
Guess what's the impact? Our body needs an
optimum temperature of 37 degrees Celsius for
digestive enzyme functioning. The temperature of
cold soft drinks is very much below 37 degrees or
even close to 0 degrees Celsius. This will dilute
the enzymes & stress the digestive system. The
food taken will not be digested. In fact it will be
fermented! The fermented food produces
gases, decays and becomes toxin, gets absorbed
by ! the intestine, circulates in the blood stream
and is carried to the whole body. Hence toxin is
cumulated in other parts of the body, developing
into various diseases.

Think before you drink coke/Pepsi (or any soft
drink) again.

Have you ever thought what you drink when you
drink an aerated drink?

You gulp down carbon dioxide, when nobody in the
world would advise you to drink CO2. Two months
back, there was a competition at Delhi
University "Who could drink the most Coke?" The
winner drank 8 bottles and
fainted on the spot-too much CO2 in the blood.
Thereafter, the principal banned all soft drinks from
the college canteen!

While this might have been an extreme measure,
their results do provide some food for thought. Did
you know that soft drinks use chemicals in them
that cause immense harm to you.

Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi
and in 10 days it DISSOLVED! Can you believe it?
Teeth and bones are the only human parts that
stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the
drink must be doing to your soft intestines and
stomach lining!


Well-known member
Interesting read...but we all know if something tastes good no matter how bad it is for us, we carry on consuming it anyways.
Horation, have ya tried making your own fruit smoothies and milkshakes?
My Aunty was always drinking soft drinks until I started making smoothies for her. Shes now addicted to those but at least they are a lot better for her. And she doesn't burp half as much...lmao...thankfully!


Well-known member
imo diet cola is much much much nicer than ordinary cola. Now i find it hard to drink the usual stuff. i dont drink much anyway, makes me sick, gives me headaches and the like.

my friend was absoultely addicted to the stuff, one way she managed to get off it was eveytime she made a glass of cola shed put somehting like worcester sauce in it, somehting she hates. she made sure she put it in a every glass and so the psychological knowledge that ur gna get this foul taste in your mouth every time you drink is enough to put you off it for good.
worke for her but it takes commitment otherwise youll just be like 'oh just once without it' it has to be everytime. doesnt take long for it too work if your consistant
good luck


Well-known member
Thanks all

I think Im gonna give Diet Coke a try, and if I dont like it then maybe I can lower my intake alltogether *fingers crossed*

Oh and LilMiss, I have gone from nearly zero excersise to about 2 1/2 hours biking per week. And its absolutely killing me! lol! after even a ten minute cycle Im puffing for half an hour!!!!


Can i suggest you try half and half to start with? Half a pint of diet coke mixed with half a pint of ordinary coke? Has to taste better that just diet coke to a real coke lover, then gradually lower the amount of real coke in it?


Well-known member
I used to live on coke but then I switched to diet coke. A couple of months ago I used to drink up to 3 to 4 litres a day but drank very little water. I don't drink tea or coffee so it used to be my caffiene hit. Since I have started losing weight I have reduced my intake of diet coke to 600ml a day with the exception of my day off where I will have 1.5 litre and the rest of the time I drink water which is alot better for you as it flushes all the toxins out of your body and cleans your kidneys. Coke is full of sugar and if you don't do enough exercise it will stack the weight on. I no longer like the taste of normal coke as it is too sweet and gives me heart burn.


Well-known member
You need to stop seeing coke as a comfort. When you drink it, the sensation hitting your taste buds sends messages to your brain telling you its comforting and fulfilling. Which it is. But as you know, its bad for your gut. Its rotting your teeth, your oesophagus (esophagus), stomach lining, the whole lot, all for the sake of getting that comfort feeling which you crave.

You need to find somthing else which has that same taste senation but which is majorly less harmful. Sparkling mineral water or orange juice for example. Try cleaning your teeth every time you get a craving. Or better still, avoid that section of the supermarket completely when you go shopping and therefore it wont be in your house to tempt you when you're cravnig it.


Well-known member
Hey Horatio, your bike is more used than I really should get my arse into gear and start biking again. Hey I tell ya whats fun and great excercise, have ya tried mountain boarding???


Diet coke contains an addictive chemical called Aspartame which can kill you in large doses. It's actually worse for you than regular coke

Ever noticed that some people get addicted to diet coke and can't stop? They think it's fine because, no sugar, right? well actually they are slowly killing themselves

Piece of advice: Don't drink ANYTHING with aspartame in it.


Well-known member
One sip of Aspartame makes my other half vomit :? It's definately not good. It's found even in diet food products. Even fruit juices. Evil stuff :?


Well-known member
well I managed to find a substitute for Coca Cola for the last few days.... Vodka! Not like me to drink alcohol in any quantity but oh well


Well-known member
I used to buy the big bottle :D



New member
Coca Cola is great! Pepsi sucks.

My friend's aunt was addicted to coke, and it caused her health problems (one boob was larger than the I'm not joking).
They are building a new improved Coca Cola Museum.