clearing mental images/feelings


Well-known member
after using succesfully mem for clearing my negative emotions, i have come to conclusion that almost all our negative feelings have to do with with experiences from our childhood. well nothing new. But how are those negative experiences stored in our brain? well our brain simply uses mental images to "call" the feeling associated with the picture you are a seeing in the real world.

Surely negative emotions are the result of bad experiences but looking in the here and now they are simply the results of bad "basic mental images".
it is those besic m.images that command the whole system to act fearful, or whatever emotion you feel.

everything what you do or better what your body does is command itself through mental images, but you only see them when you close your eyes. they command you, in good and i bad ways.

i make you an example: when you are reading a post here on the forum, and this post has a negative connotation for you thus "calling" a negative emotion,it is in this moment you are looking at an image in your mind, but its unconscious. try this: read the posting that causes you to have negative emotions, close the eyes and look what image you are seeing in your mind.

this image has a negative connotation for you. you can use mem for clearing this image, and after the feeling is no longer here. IN FACT, ONCE THIS IMAGE IS NO LONGER IN YOUR MIND, THE FEELING IS GONE! for those who havent read my post about mem, do simply this when you have the image catched in your mind: stare at the picture and let it grow. after awhile you see that it stops growing and start getting smaller. wait till the image is gone. after you can only notice that the feeling is no longer associated with the image. done. you have succesfully cleared the feeling.

there are various levels of mental images. the basic mental images are at the core of your behaving, and command everything. these are the ones to find and clear. if i say shyness to you, what mental images come to mind? if i say social gathering what mental images come to mind for you? THOSE images are the ones to clear.


New member
SHYNESS: I have so much of it in me.. Even i have a handsome body and nice habits plus so caring.. i don't know why this feeling keeps chasing me everytime.. I cannot open myself to others.. Social Phobia.

GATHERINGS: I want people to deal individually, i start feeling awekward when some guys get together for a gathering.. I have fears to engage between their conversations.

You get a good conceptual strategy to tackle these feelings. Removing the mental image may help, i will try this.