Can't work up the nerve.


For the past year or so, I've been attempting to get a local job to help out with a few things. However, the only ones I can really apply for have to have an application that I can do online.. and all the places near-by are already full up.
So, the only chance I have at getting a job is going to this local grocery store, and doing a personal interview. This absolutely terrifies me. I'm a very hard worker, and I like to think that I am generally a nice person. I was hoping that this job would throw me out the world so I could get better at being around people.
I just can't seem to actually get the back-bone to go do it. I'm really afraid that, even if I did, my co-workers wouldn't like me. Or what if I actually flop, and can't handle all the human interaction? I'm really scared of how it might turn out, but then again I need to learn how to interact with people somehow.

Is there a way I can get my social skills up to par, and maybe hopefully become a little less dependent on my mom going everywhere with me? My mom is my best friend, and I pretty much go where ever she goes. But since I graduated from high school, she and the rest of my family are the only people I am ever around anymore. I haven't talked to anyone that isn't part of my family in a long time, besides my older sister's boyfriend when they come over (and he's basically family now, anyhow).

I've never been good at making friends, or keeping them even when I manage to. I'm just really afraid that this is going to be really detrimental to me in the future if I don't start working on it now.

Anyway, sorry if this was too long, I'm not really good at explaining things. Would any of you have advice on my situation?


Sounds like a good idea! I've never been good at making plans, but I could give a little shot-a-roo I suppose. Nothing bad could come of it, at least. Rather than just walking in there all willy-nilly and make a fool of myself. Hopefully that'll help me not stumble over my words so much, at the very least.

Thank you so much for the input! It was really helpful!