Can't eat, can't sleep, making myself ill. Please help!


Hi, I'm new here. The 'bum hyperhidrosis' thread lead me to register and not just browse the site. But since I wrote my comment no-one has replied. Is there anyone out there??? Please talk to me. The 'bug' you hear me mention is still with me but am really not sure if I am just making myself ill (bad stomach)with worry. Didn't sleep a wink last night and hardly eating, can't think about anything else so getting myself in a bad way.

This is what I wrote:

Hi, this post has actually lead me to register on the site rather than just browsing as I have been for a while.

Does anyone find that the marks on chairs seem to come from condensation rather than actual sweating?? I am a teacher and so am hounded by plastic chairs, I am currently at home for 3 days pretending to have a sickness bug as I just can't cope with this at the moment.

Recently at the school play when I was under a lot of pressure and surrounded by parents I got up to an absolutely HUGE mark on the chair and a HUGE wet patch on my skirt but when I checked my underwear wasn't wet. I've also tried using pantyliners to catch sweat but these will be dry when I check but my trousers are still wet. So it seems that I am just very hot in that area and being in contact with a cold plastic chair causes condensation to rise up and settle on my clothes. Doe this sound logical to anyone else??

I seriously need help with this issue as I can't hide at home forever. The doctor just says I am making it worse by thinking about it all the time (which I know is partly true) and has given me 'happy pills' to try to help me calm down a bit. And although they say it is not the case this has definately come on since I had the sweat glands cut out of my underarms so if anyone offers you that procedure please say NO!

Sorry for the rant but can somebody please help me or at least identify with me? Thanks for listening


Well-known member
yeah your stomach is probably cus of the nerves use to happen to me all the time wen i was dreading some event in skool
i dont have HH but i know how the nerves feel, best way to get you back into it is maybe medication to calm you down for the first few days back & when sitting on those chairs keep your palms upright so they can get cooled easier & maybe waved them about if you can so they'll dry out :D


hello, if it is condensation why not say you have bad back and put a cushion on your chair before you sit down? Or if its you legs and bum sweating try wearing cycling shorts under your trousers.


Did you have the sweat glands cut out from under the skin of your underarm area, retrodermal curettage, and it gave you compensatory sweating?
I remember reading about someone who had their sweat glands cut out and said he had no compensatory sweating whatsoever and read elsewhere that curettage does not give you compensatory sweating but they may have been giving biased information since it was the doctors office. I'd like to know as I was juggling the possibility of getting this procedure.
It does get better after you've been using it for a long time.. the skin on your hands becomes tougher (not sure of the scientific term).


Active member
I do understand this problem if it is sweating. As a teenager i wouldsweat profusely under the armpits. One day my entire upper body sweat that much that my tshirt was totally damp, every square inch of it. Luckily it was a light colour so you couldn't really notice. Luckily I grew out of it.

Although the other night I was forced to go to a work dinner and we were sitting on plastic chairs and to make it worse it was a really hot day and the doors to the restaurant were open. I could feel it was damp between my legs and in my butt area. I just tried to move around a bit to get some air to the area to dry it out. I was wearing a brown crinkly skirt. When I stood up I had my back to everyone just in case and then luckily my bag hung low so I pushed it behind me. One of the other women there was joking also that she was sticking to the chair (she is quite overweight) and she kept standing up to air herself out.

My advice would be to wear clothing that if you did sweat/get condensation in that area, it wouldn't show up ie patterns or whatever. There are some colours or materials that show up sweat more than others. Perhaps wear a loose flowing skirt and not one that is fitted. So if there was a wet patch, the material would fold over itself when you stood up.

Hope this helps :)