Cannabis and anxiety survey


Hi everyone,
Just a reminder about my study which investigates the relationship between cannabis use and anxiety. At the moment I have about 200 participants but I still need about another 100, and I am running out of time to reach my target.

I have had quite a lot of trouble trying to get people to participate in my study. I have had a particularly hard time recruiting people from the online cannabis forums because most of them are either too paranoid to participate or have criticised my study for being biased. I am not on a crusade to demonise cannabis - I realise that many people find the effects of cannabis relaxing and therapeutic, but I also know that quite a few people have experienced problems smoking, and I would like to try and find out if there are general characteristics among these people that contribute to these negative effects of use (ie. do they have a family history of anxiety/depression, how much do they smoke, do they smoke hydro/organic, heads/leaf etc) If I can spare one teenager from a life of anxiety because they have certain characteristics that make them vulnerable to cannabis induced anxiety or depression, then maybe the anxiety that I have experienced will not be in vain.

I realise you are probably very busy, but if you could spare 20 minutes of your time it would really help me out.
You can participate by clicking on this link:
Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software
I have done it for you :D

I hope it does stop one teen sparking up ...... me..I am 43 ....I earnt the right to sit back with a big marley hanging out me mush ;)


Hi everyone,
I am just about finished collecting the data for my study. At the moment I have 233 completed surveys, but I still need 46 more participants and I really need them by the end of this week. If I don't reach my quota I can still write my thesis but my results will not be scientifically credible. So this is a last call for participants.

If you haven't already participated in my study could you please, please consider helping me out (pretty please with sugar on top). Your response to my survey may help promote much needed awareness about the anxiety related effects of cannabis use. If my research can prevent one person from experiencing cannabis induced anxiety then all of our effort will be worth it.

You can access the survey by clicking on this link:
