can yall help me out w/ this??


Well-known member
yesterday a guy asked me out and i might say yes 4 the 1st time told him i need 2 get 2 kno him better 1st but if i do i kno ill b scared 2 death around him and he'll just end up breaking up w/ me. and i wont kno how 2 kiss or anything and he has alot of experience.


Well-known member
Thelema said:
When it comes time to kiss you'll know what to do.
i agree with Thelema....if you care about him and want to go out with it...and yeah..the kissing thing may be awkward at first, but you'll get the hang of it :wink:


New member
Don't worry about kissing at this stage. Really don't. I got caught up in that whole "should I kiss now?" thing and this was on the first date! If the person really wants to be with you then he/she can wait for kissing etc. As my great grandmother used to say:
"It'd be a funny ol' world if everyone was the same."