New member
Hi guys, came across your site while trying to diagnose what i am feeling. I am 24 years old and am awlays scared to leave my comfort zone. It is not a very serious problem but it really annoys me that i never want to go out and do things. my friends often get upset with me casue i always say no when they invite me out, well most of the time anway. Im not sure what to do. I live in a pretty violent country and i think this hascontributed to my fear. I often also wake up at night and i will hear a noise, and totally freak out. I will lie awake in bed very still and try and listen if i can hear anything. finally i get back to sleep. I am currently overseas and in a safe area, but i still dont want to go out. The work colleges i am here with are always going out and i often decline there invites, that is also due to the fact that im not overly fond of them but never the less i dont want to go anywhere. If i do decide to go out, i may walk down the street to the pub and sadly enough i feel like i have achived something. I got out WOW. when i do go out i get anxious about leaving. i dont like staying places for to long. I really dont think i have this phobia as bad as some people but i really want to tackle it. I have an amazing girlfriend whom i plan on marrying and want to start a family and i am afraid she will start to think that i am boring and no fun. But in reality i am just anxious and scared of going out and doing things that are unknown to me. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Scardy Cat
Scardy Cat