Can someone explain this?


There's always a little perspiration on my hands well not all the tiem but alot of the time..

But when I get realy nervous or am ina hot place or playing a sport or video games anything like that I sweat alot more in my hands and if i'm raelly nervous i sweat in my armpits too and my feet usually sweat with my hands.

I was coming to think this wasn't hyperhidrosis since the sweating is not constant but then I heard someone say that they sweat when it was real hot and they said they had hyperhidrosis.

I thought hyperhidrosis was sweating ALL THE TIME in large amounts, hot or cold, not just in hot weather. And I also assumed it didn't matter about the situation you were in.

Can someone clear this up? Thanks


I'm no expert or doctor, but from what I understand there are many different degrees of hyperhidrosis. So while some people may sweat just slightly more than what is considered 'normal' there are others who will sweat severely.

Either way, people who suffer from HH do not necessarily sweat ALL the time. Nor is HH exclusive to sweating in places with warm temperatures.

Seems to me like if you are suffering from excessive sweating, even during relaxed situations, and it is affecting you negatively it very likely is some degree of Hyperhidrosis.

But then again, I'm no doctor :D
Hyperhidrosis is defined as "excessive sweating", so basically its when the sweating is much more than the norm. The sweating doesn't have to be all the time but it sounds about right when you say its a lot worse when you're hot or nervous.


I don't sweat at all when I'm relaxed... Its only when i'm hot or nervous. Of course it is rare that I am ever truly relaxed... I think I have anxiety issues instead of HH bc of when I sweat its bc of me being really nervous and I when I sweat ALOT I also have hot flashes associated with that and like the fear of not being able to leave the situation. Its like a hot flash similar to what you'd feel if you was embarassed.

Only time I get uncontrollably nervous is when I'm with a girl, and at that point the sweat is uncontrollable... Other than that I'm pretty dry. I'm thinking most ppl just don't get as nervous as me around girls. And I don't mean all girls, just some, because there are alot of girls i'm completely comfortable around even though I like them, but there have been some girls I liked but was extremely uneasy.


I don't sweat all the time, but I sweat on my palms, upper lip, armpits, and forehead when I'm anxious. If I'm relaxed through the help of meds (clonazepam or ganja), I don't sweat at all fue to anxiety, but I still get anxious thoughts in my head. I promise you a benzodiazepine (used appropriately, will solve ur perspiration predicament)... I'm no doctor though, so let them decide..



Pretty sure its anxiety/ warm blooded issues bc I read alot of hyperhidrosis stories... they say they have to change shirts even in cold weather... Though they say its worse in hot weather, I have never had to change shirts except if I'm really really nervous or very hot.


you may have mild HH then. even when i'm not nervous i tend to sweat a bit, it's strange because i can also not sweat at all. i always assumed it was something subconscious and wish there was a way i could control my mindset towards it! because once you start noticing sweat... then you start to become nervous and that's when it really starts to kick in!


I think I have alot more sweat glands in my hands than most cuz they tend to sweat some no matter wat... but like... my mom or dad doesnt have this hand sweat problem its weird.

Its not a huge problem with me, the only time i hate it is around girls... thats the only time they sweat so much that i don't want to touch (and im so nervous by then which even draws me farther away from wanting to touch). And i think thats mostly to do with anxiety bc i do get alot of anxiety at times which increases sweat. If i could get rid of my dang anxiety around girls, it would solve my problem! and i think that will happen over time.

I dont know though, i hear about ALOT of ppls hands sweating doing some of the things i complain with hand sweat really, like anxiety situations, video games, etc... so I dont think its necessarily HH.

i just wanted to see if there were any ppl EXACTLY like me.


Also, I'm not sure I quite understand HH anyhow. I thought sweating was a normal reaction to anxiety? ( and of course, anxiety symptoms vary from person to person ). so therefore, if you sweat alot only when your nervous or hot does that mean you really have HH? my hands only have a bit of perspiration, sometimes more than usual, but its only bad when im nervous or really nervous.


You sound like you have something similar to what I have. I would say it definately is hyperhidrosis because it's an abnormal amount of sweating.

Like you if I am not nervous (which is times when I'm not thinking about HH haha) than there is very little sweat. When I think about it or have my hands on something for a while (phone, controller, etc) than they will sweat a fair bit. Granted it's never been to the point of just dripping off my hand except during intense exercise it's still a fair bit of it.

I have friends that say they have similar sweating habits too but the thing is though I find their "sweating" really isn't much at all. I've heard so many people complaining of sweating when you cannot even visibily see any. I think if it's bothering you enough you seek help from those suffering from it chances are you have it.

I wonder how effective a product that you apply to your skin would be for us. As it seems like many that have it far worse have to try methods like iontophoresis because the other products don't work well enough. If I get one of the weaker products that you don't need a prescription for soon I'll let you know how well it works.


Does that necessarily make it HH though? I'll say my hands sweat more than most but only alot when I am nervous or hot. And when your hot, your supposed to sweat (am I right?).

You hear of ppl that can't even go outside of their house BC they sweat so much... that is what I would consider HH? I don't sweat UNTIL I am hot or nervous. How nervous I am depends on how much sweat I have. If I am really sweating alot then I also have hot feelings associated with that like a hot rush over my body, but that is really rare and the only time ive got that is when I was around this one girl I really hated to be around, but had to.

Is getting sweaty pits not normal after being in a hot room or playing basketball in hotness? I understand some ppl may sweat more than others while doing anything but if you don't sweat when your just relaxed I dont see how that is HH?

I realize it doesnt matter because everyones situation is completely different but I'm just trying to clarify HH. Excessive sweating is such a narrow term. If you look at anxiety symptom website they all say that profuse sweating is a symptom... I know not everyone sweats when they are super nervous though, it just depends on your body makeup.


"Excessive perspiration in the face, hands, and feet defined as sweat that exceeds what is necessary to regulate the bodies temperature"

While it is definately true that everyone sweats differently (I believe) if you have some concern about it than you sweat too much. We have a "view" of what is normal by viewing how and what people do around us. If we have concern for something chances are it's because it's not what is viewed as normal.

People do sweat at different rates and thats good because sports are the only time when I truely feel that sweating doesn't embarass me. If someone wants to say something (which they NEVER have) I will tell them perhaps they need to play harder than they will sweat. :lol:

If it causes you to change how you live\act than you have HH. Just look at it that way because "excessive" is subjective like you said. A prime example would be nervous about shaking someones hand.


According to that new Degree commercial ... one in four Americans believe they sweat excessively... So is that to say in each of their own world they feel like they have HH?

Here's the thing. Im fine with shaking anyones hand if Ive been in the situation for a while and I'm not nervous, because in a time like that my hands are not sweating much at all. But when I am around someoen that makes me real nervous and I think I might have to touch them my hands get sweaty and it makes it worse. If I was comfortable around that person then they wouldn't sweat, i'm pretty sure of it.

Heres a website that says anxiety alone can cause excessive sweating:

Obviously its something I worry about I am just trying to narrow it down to an anxiety problem because thats what I think it is. Exceissive sweating, imo is when you are relaxed but still sweating. If you are nervous or hot, you may sweat MORE but how is that considered HH?

Ive read of ppl that sweat alot even in their homes (a relaxed situation) so i don't understand.


Well, you seem to be pretty sure you don't have HH and that it's anxiety issues so perhaps you are right. Even if that is the case though perhaps HH treatments could help with the problem?


ritzbitz said:
There's always a little perspiration on my hands well not all the tiem but alot of the time..

But when I get realy nervous or am ina hot place or playing a sport or video games anything like that I sweat alot more in my hands and if i'm raelly nervous i sweat in my armpits too and my feet usually sweat with my hands.

I was coming to think this wasn't hyperhidrosis since the sweating is not constant but then I heard someone say that they sweat when it was real hot and they said they had hyperhidrosis.

I thought hyperhidrosis was sweating ALL THE TIME in large amounts, hot or cold, not just in hot weather. And I also assumed it didn't matter about the situation you were in.

Can someone clear this up? Thanks

You're the same way as me. When Im at home just watching tv, doing casual stuff I wont sweat. However if I get anxious, or start doing stuff with my hands(like playing video games) I will sweat most of the time.

Temperature plays a big role and if im in a cool place I usually wont sweat . And when it gets hot Ill start to sweat more.

When Im with friends ill usually be sweating a bit but not a ton, it'll get worse though if I think about my hands sweating because none of them are aware that I have this problem.

I do use ionto though and that has stopped my hands from sweating for a few weeks at a time. So either way whether its HH or just anxiety it works and I recommend it to you.


Since I sweat the most when I am really anxious or hot I don't want to resort to something like iono tho cuz it doesn't bother me that muhc until I'm sweating uncontrollably.