New member
ok so Ive got this cousin who i know has always hated me, she used to physically bully me and my brother and call me all the names under the sun and everyone would seem to take her side over mine cause she's like a spoilt brat. Anyways, sometime last year she ran away from home to live with some pervy guy she met on teh internet, she got pregnant, and punched and kicked her poor mum and dad when they tried to make her see sense. The thing is she's only just turned 16 n this guys like 25, its so wrong but everyone in my family suddenly thinkss it's great that theres a new baby in the family and she's some kind of HERO even though she's a right evil bitch. so tomorrow she's coming dwn with the baby and her stupid nonce bf to see everyone and all my family is gonna be there so ill be expected to go. I rly dont wanna go! its bad enough being socially phobic and awkward around my family (they all think im weird) but I know i'm gonna get the piss taken out of me by her (like asking me why ive not got a boyfriend and stuff like that) and its gonna rly piss me off with everyone buying her stuff and treatin her like she's special or something ARGHH!
i rlyy dont wannago. What shoud i do guys, go and see them and act all snooty or not go at all? i think id be made to go though and tbh i dnt want to fall out with the rest ofmy family
i rlyy dont wannago. What shoud i do guys, go and see them and act all snooty or not go at all? i think id be made to go though and tbh i dnt want to fall out with the rest ofmy family