Can I get some advice?


New member
Alright, so here's the story. This new semester I am taking several classes at my college (community college, I commute), and in one of them I have been talking to this girl that I met the first week. We have had 3 classes together, and 2 of which I have had decently long conversations with her (20-30 min range). I have called her 3 times about the homework/class, and 2 conversations were like 7-10 minute range (we deviated topics of conversation from school). Today, I called her, and it lasted for over 30 minutes. During one of our previous phone calls she suggested we sit next to each other next class (tomorrow), and today during the call she suggested that we meetup to do one of the assignments next week as well.

Tomorrow at class I plan to sit next to her, and I am very anxious, as I will have to maintain about 10 minutes of conversation (during break), as well as some before class, and then during it, whatever communication is necessary. Then, we will make the 30 minute commute home on the train together :roll:

I am planning on asking her to hang out outside of class, but the thought of rejection is unbearable. I am not really sure what I can say to bring this up, how to phrase it, etc. Like, whether I should be vague..."we should hang out sometime". Find something to do, like a movie, and ask if she wants to see it with me...Tiptoe into it, and hope for some hints, or be really upfront and just ask her to do something like bowling. All of it confuses me and scares me a lot.

Also, I am alright with conversation usually, but often times conversation will be dying, and it will become awkward. What are some good conversation pick-me-ups? Because I KNOW this will happen :roll:

Thanks for any feedback!


Well-known member
It sounds like you're doing great so far. Just stay calm and see how things progress naturally. Don't tie yourself up in knots. Talk about movies, music, books, TV etc. You're sure to find some common ground somewhere. You never know, she may ask you out sometime. She sounds like she values you and enjoys your company. Stranger things have happened...


Sorry if I will seem as an evil person and will try to put you on a ground a bit... Don't be angry.OK?
About conversations. Well you're not the only person who speaks in conversation, right? So when a conversation dies, it is not just you who will feel uncomfortable - everybody does. So she might bring up something herself. Don't be too scared. Conversations can't and shouldn't be planned, or they will appear fake. Just say what you want, not just what you are suposed to say. If you found lots of things to talk about on the phone, I'm sure you won't have a problem! Just don't be so afraid.
Another thing is about asking out. I'm not too sure about that. I don't know how's your relationships is going. Are you flirting with her or just havinga a friendly chat. Sorry, don't want to offend you, but don't expect every girl who talks to you to want to be you girfriend. What's wrong with having a normal friendship? Why everything has to be about sex? She might think that you are objectifying her and it won't help. Or is it always that a girls sleepes with everyone she talks to. Of course, if you are flirting, than go head man!


New member
We seem to have friendly conversation, and she laughs a good amount, it seems like she is enjoy the conversations and whatnot. I usually would not think too much about this, but after the second class I had left before her, and was walking on the street, and she caught up to me, poked my shoulder, and then was started up the conversation. I suck at flirting, I have no idea how its done 8O

I dunno, I mean, I wasn't really going for asking her out for a girlfriend, just to hang out with her outside of class, and see how things go. Is that moving too quick at this point?