Buy this sea salt body wash stuff!


So at two different malls near me I've seen these guys selling this sea salt body wash stuff at kiosks in the middle of the hall, they are EVIL. :mad:

;)Here's why...

They claim they are israeli and that the stuff is made from sea salt from the dead sea and they just use a lot of very aggressive sales techniques and I have to say their target market has to be shy people or people like us, because no one in their right mind is going to pay what they are asking for this crap, it is useless. The first time they roped me in I ended up just buying it so the guy would let me leave.::(: The second time at the other mall I was still pissed about being ripped off the first time so I was extra resilient and escaped without buying anything. They are scammers and you are going to think I'm a loser freak if you don't already but I spent over an hour on a bench near the place figuring out some of their sales tricks.

;)Here's some...

1. They have 2 different size jars, a small one thats around $30 and a big one around $70. Then they realize they are out of the small ones so they are going to make you a deal and sell you the big one for the price of the small one. ACTUALLY they do this with every customer to try and make it seem like you are getting a deal when in reality it was their intention from the start to sell you the big one for $30 which since it is basically worthless, is still really expensive.

2. They always put the jar in your hands, if you set it down they pick it up and hand it back to you. This is a tactic to keep you there, you can't just walk away with it in your hands or you are stealing. (Although you can't really steal garbage but I can't handle arguing with cops that would literally make me pass out)

3. They are the kind that walk up to random people and ask you if they can show you something, this is called taking advantage of peoples' politeness. If I wanted to buy your crap I would walk up and ask about it, see how I'm walking by and not stopping, that indicates that I have zero interest. But I suck at being rude when I'm not anticipating myself being rude so they catch me offguard and now I have to engage them.

4. They never shut up, if you can't get a word in you can't say no thank you. Again they are taking advantage of your politeness. They aren't about to assault you so if you just turn around and walk away they aren't going to grab you and drag you back physically, however they more or less so this verbally. Their main weapon of choice? "Why?" This question is very disarming. I say I don't want it and they ask why. I say I wouldn't use it they ask why. I am just saying these things as a polite way to end the conversation but they are calling me on my own bs basically. I don't have an answer to their question on hand and now I feel awkward, but they swoop in and save me from feeling awkward by talking about their stupid soap junk again. THANKS...REALLY THANKS.

5. They make you use it to wash your hands and for hand soap it is kind of nice, however they market it as body wash and claim that this little jar will last you 2 years. First off they say you only need to use it once a week, so its a once a week body wash, but it still wouldn't last 2 years, it wouldn't last 6 months. It takes like a teaspoon to wash your hands, you do the math but it would take a lot of the crap to wash your whole body because it literally is like salt, its just hard crystal rock things, you know how some body washes are "exfoliating" and they have the little salt rocks in them? This is the same thing but without the liquid gel part, it's just the salt rocks. $30 for a hand soap is a ripoff, $30 for a body wash that takes an hour to wash with and can only last for a few months? FAIL!

6. They are trained from a script, or at least from a list of key phrases. When they realize they ran out of the small jars they use the phrase "my bad" in a sentence, usually repeating it a few times. "Oh we're out of the small ones, that's my bad. You know what I'll do, I'll sell you the big one for the price of the small one cause that's my bad." There are other phrases they use however I wonder if some of them don't write their own entire scripts for their pitches otherwise it would be hard to improvise quick enough to keep the customer from getting a word in.

These people bother me so much I considered going to another kiosk in the mall where they make custom t-shirts and baseball caps with whatever you want them to say. Having them make me a shirt that says "I don't want to buy your Sea Salt Soap Crap." Or maybe I'll have to start carrying mace with me to the mall and just mace the guys if they bother me.


Haha - this happened to me in Brighton shopping centre. A girl selling this cosmetics caught me, I said I had no money (I had literally none). Of course I knew it would be crazy to buy the stuff even if I had money because it was overpriced, I wouldn't have bought it even if it was a lot cheaper. But she took my hands and rubbed in the scrub, it smelled very nice.. it worked like dry soap, then she cleaned my hands with a tissue and they were left smelling nice. I thought, a nice thing. But of course buying it was out of question. As I said I had no money, she tried to bargain and I said, no really, I can't buy that I have no money :). I don't think she believed me, haha. She also seemed interestingly looking so I asked her where she was from, she said, Israel. I said Oh, Israel, I always wanted to go there. (Which is very true). When I left, I felt quite guilty but it's the way it is, they live off making people guilty. You shouldn't take it personally, it is a game. I would suppose they are not genuinely angry either.