*buries face in hands* Ohhhhh god.


Well-known member
don't worry too much- no one knows who you are on the net.
what could you have written that was so bad anyway? you'll never have to see these people, so who cares what they say? :lol: :eek:


Well-known member
I've done similar things. I know it's hard, but try to forget about it. Like Guest said, "You'll never have to see these people, so who cares what they say?"


Well-known member
What did you post that you think is so "foolish"?

How do you know they're flaming you if you ran away before the forum reloaded? ;)

Anyway, I've put my foot in my mouth plenty of times. It usually ends up being not as bad as I was expecting.

But I can totally relate to dwelling on things... I still get annoyed at myself over dumb stuff I did years and years ago, still replay conversations in my head, the whole bit.

Too bad this site got hacked.


Active member
ask yourself this Crimefish:

What is the worst that can happen with your action?

ex: They will have terminated my account to that site.


Accept the worst

ex: Ok, they have terminated my account. DO i still want to join this site? Does it matter to me...

then act on the worst to make it better.

ex: I still want to join. I will create a new account on that site.


Well-known member
Tomorrow is another day! I woke up and remembered it straight away, but it didn't seem to matter.
And I know they flamed me, 'cause I visited that site everyday for about 6 months a while ago, and people were flamed regularly...

But the point! I don't care, 'cause I'm not going back there anyway. :D I don't care! It's a first! Yay. *takes a bow*


Well-known member
Crimefish said:
I don't care, 'cause I'm not going back there anyway. :D I don't care! It's a first! Yay. *takes a bow*

Congratulations! This dork says "Good for you." :)

steve: That's the approach I usually take, except for situations in which my fears are obviously irrational/overblown (too bad it's not always obvious LOL, self-talk works well when I know what's happening) or in cases where the worst that could happen is horrific (like actual death or something). It's a very useful approach.

Sometimes though it makes me focus too much on the negative (which I'm really really good at ;) ), and sometimes it makes me *feel* so negative that the crucial last step, "acting to fix the worst", feels impossible (damn depression only makes it tougher LOL). So then I either adopt a variation of Crimefish's "don't care" approach or, if that's inappropriate, I *gasp* try to be positive about things... not expecting wild success, more NOT expecting disaster (my usual way of being). Sometimes it includes turning a negative into a positive--say I get flat-out rejected by a girl at a bar... rather than feel like poop about it for eons, I can celebrate the fact that I placed myself in 'harm's way' to begin with, and that it didn't kill me, and that I can try it again. The occasional *actual* success of this approach is great reinforcement. :)

I saw someone's sig on a site the other day, a quote from Gretzky--"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." So true.