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How many people on here were bullied at school? I know I was, theres probably dozens of threads on this but I ain't lookin.
Often I find myself thinking of if I had a kid who was being bullied at school what would I do? What could I say? How would I make it so they wouldn't get fucked up like me? Lots of times I forget how bad I felt and how hard it was. I have to really think back of how bad those people made me feel even though the effects still are in my everyday life. I don't know about other people but I'm not too hard to get along with and I will give people a second or even third or fourth chance after they've fucked with me. Maybe I'm too forgiving or forgetful but after thinking about all the people who have fucked around with me in school I get so mad and if I ever have kids I don't want them to go through what I had to, its not fair or right. So what could you do?
Often I find myself thinking of if I had a kid who was being bullied at school what would I do? What could I say? How would I make it so they wouldn't get fucked up like me? Lots of times I forget how bad I felt and how hard it was. I have to really think back of how bad those people made me feel even though the effects still are in my everyday life. I don't know about other people but I'm not too hard to get along with and I will give people a second or even third or fourth chance after they've fucked with me. Maybe I'm too forgiving or forgetful but after thinking about all the people who have fucked around with me in school I get so mad and if I ever have kids I don't want them to go through what I had to, its not fair or right. So what could you do?