bully bullying this kid


Well-known member
Yeah, I faced this in ground school. I really didn't know what to do, but I suppose I could have let go and just attack the main bully no matter how strong he was...but that's always talking afterwards, I know that's not how it works in real life.

The best advice I can give you is...just run...run away to wherever. I don't know how old you are, but for any place and age there are numerous interesting spots you can go to during school hours. Be it nature, an arcade hall, the library or just your town.

I've done this a few times, it were some of the best moments of my life, just the complete weight of the world dropping from my shoulders.


Well-known member
That's insane. Aren't there any helpful people? Does everyone know you? I've had a whole class either bully or ignore me, but that's one class.
Don't run. Stand up to someone. Act strong.
Or switch schools and start over. By this point, you might not be able to change things. But in the new school, stand up to people if they bother you.
You have to be strong or you will be bullied.


Well-known member
group mentality,everybody does it so they can be cool :roll: ,I had to endure too,psychological abuse, almost everybody at my past work,what made me go through(for a while at least) was not all people are like that,some were really nice to me,stood by my side....I left there...but that left some deep emotional scars.......


New member
I dont quite get what this topic means, all I know is that your title is "Bully Bullying this kid" So I'm presuming that you know someone who is bullied. In that case, try these out.

* If the victim has no friends, then befriend him. Let him know that you will be there for him

* Don't approach the bully in any way, that will just tell the bully that not only is he annoying the kid, but he's also annoying you so he will start bullying you then.

* Try and get the victim to keep a diary of everything that's happened for future evidence.

* Tell a teacher or someone you can trust about what's going on, because bullying can go so far, it can actually lead people to there deaths. Act now before it's to late.

* If the bully is physically bullying him then tell him to simply walk away and NOT to look at the bully. Try your best to not show any signs of pain.

* If the bully is verbally bullying him then tell the victim to agree with everything he says. That way the bully will be stumped because you agreed with him.

* If the bully is cyber-bullying him then make sure he prints out everything. Every email, every comment. Everything offensive. That can be used as evidence.

If you still require help then feel free to visit and sign up to my forum at
I want bullying to stop as much as you do so lets all make a difference.