bound?(do you get these feelings)


i feel bound, i cant move from my home iam soo home bounded i feel like ive been paralyzed, my head is just blank i dont know what to do with my life. ive been physically and verbally abused,humiliated and traumatized from my father so much that i had to leave the country iwas living in to study somewhere else and here iam i cant do anything, cant fix my life up scared to go to university to go outside and ive been home for months rarely going out soo anxious and thoughts keep making me cry :(.With all the 5 different medications iam taking and my physciatrist is still concerned even with the cognitive behavioural therapy ive taken.Well i know medication plays one role and you play the other but what did you do in a case when you cant even do anything.A force holding you back even though some of youre relatives try to motivate you in doing stuff but they never can understand you.One time my doc told me social phobic/major depressive patients only professionals and patients know what theyre going through.I wish day by day that something changes iam so hopeless please dont try to cheer me up i just want to hear from others.


worrydoll thanks for sharing
Shyfriend its not as easy as u think dont get me wrong iam not trying to be rude but iam not asking for help here iam just sharing what feelings iam going through and how hard life is for people with severe sp.


Well-known member
shyfriend16 said:
just get up and go outsideyour house sit and think it helps

Yeah cuz it's that easy :roll:

I really feel bad for you... I can honestly relate to a lot of what you're saying, about being abused etc and now feeling bound and trapped and you feel like you just can't get out of it, no matter how much medication you're on. No one can really understand what you're feeling, but we can try. That's the hardest thing... not really being understood. I'm not going to try and cheer you up because that probably can't be done but, look at it this way... you are trying. You are willing to go on medication and you've taken therapy... that's something a lot of people are unwilling to do and that's something that is hard.

Today I went to my doctor about my drugs and got some shitty news, one drug isnt working, go to up the dose on another drug... and later on today I have to see a new psychiatrist because the last one was crap. And all I want to do is hide under the bed covers...

No we're not in jail, we're not in this and that... but majority of people in jail deserve to be in jail because they've done something wrong. I always wonder WHY are we like this. Especially those people who are really nice, good, loving people... WHY does it have to be this way. Why you? and why me? you know..?

Trust me, i'm sick of it too... this is our own personal hell and prison and some people feel it more than others and it seems like you've got it pretty bad. I wish it was as easy as just getting out the door... I can't either, not alone anyway and i'm sick to death of being a pathetic person as hard as I try to get better.

Wow I got a lot off my chest... I hope you're feeling a little better by now.



Meow seriously thanks for sharing we all feel in sympathy and pain and i relate to you alot with changing my medications and stuff yeah atleast iam trying to do help myself i had sp since i was 12 years old and iam 21 and i got diagnosed two years ago its true first any mentaly ill person denies going at the begning it took me years and years to go finally to see a physciatrist.