Botox through ionto


Well-known member
Hi there,

Little bit long story, but I think for most here it could be interesting...(potentially)

I've been thinking about the botox delivery through iontophoresis a lot lately...there has been some article about that on this site (I think it was from a 2005 study) that sounded quite promising, yet some made inquiries and apparently the doctors performing the research had stopped because they encountered some funding issues or something like that...Yep, health care is a business like any other...

Anyway, I still believe this could, if it works like told in the research example, be a very good solution for people suffering from palmar plantar or palmoplantar HH, like myself (over the years I developed some other forms as well, but I strongly feel they are for a large part at least, resulting from the anxiety that naturally comes with the wet hands).
I have had some botox injections in my palms once, and at the places they did it properly it works great, even now 5 months later (although it was the first time) with no negative side effects...Unfortunately though they didn't do my fingers and my palm area is not covered by a long shot (10 injections right, 9 left) so the experence of shaking hands is basically the same. On top of that the injections hurt like hell.

But if it could in fact be administered through ionto, in my opinion the whole hands (and feet) and maybe other areas (it's not the conventional ionto with trays etc if I understand it correctly, just the same principle) can be covered completely and relatively painless...and it would work a long time...

Seperate ionto has not yielded satisfactory results for me (it helped a little but not nearly enough) and is for now practically impossible for me to do well till I return home from my semester abroad (trying to force myself to do the things I otherwise would without HH, although it's difficult)

So, I wanted to ask you if you had some info about this...and maybe someone can upload the article so everyone knows what I'm talking about. I'm sure someone will have it readily available...


Well-known member
Thanks for the feedback on the articles pinker,

Yeah, it sure would be a good solution...4 times a year, just a bit more than going to the dentist. And it works so well it would almost be a normal life :eek: (ok, there would be some other HH parts in my case, but with the less anxiety and all I hope/believe this would also reduce a lot)

Anyway, I think this might still be the best future solution for now that is in the pipeline (if that is an english expression as well). So I just hope someone will get on with it once again.