Botox injections?????

Hi everyone,

Ive suffered from HH (armpits) for bout 7 years, ever since I was teenager. Ive tried different methods, firstly deodorants etc, then I tried roll ons like Driclor, then I tried a powder (which I can't remeber the name of), then I was refered to hospital and was prescribed pro banthine tablets. None of these methods worked, I'm not sure what exactly is causing is as I sweat profoundly if I am sitting in a cold classroom, stress-free :oops: and after what seems like an eternity of trying different products :x my doctor has refered me to a different hospital, I am visiting the dermatologist at this hospital on monday to discuss botox injections.

I was just wondering if anyone else has tried botox injections and their experience of it. Any info is helpful :)




Hi Nikki,

If you haven't tried sweat stop forte yet, please try it! i was on the verge of getting botox injections too but then i randomly found their website and it really does work. You can find the link on some of teh other posts about this product. Good luck!



Well-known member

I had botox injections in my palms 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately for me, they wouldn't do the fingers in the hospital I went to because of even more painfulness, so the problem of touch is still there for me.

However, in case of axillary HH I would definitely recommend the botox treatment. The sweating in my palms on the places they injected is almost nonexistent (I would say normal). The skin doesn't feel weird and there is also no numbness or anything else they warned might happen. Admittedly it was quite painful, but for hands it's known to be more painful. Also, the pain is just from the injections, so when you leave the hospital you should be alright.

In my case, there was a little blood at some spots, but I don't know whether or not that is also the case for the armpits. Nothing to worry about though.

In fact I wish I had the axillary kind instead of the palmar/plantar I'm stuck with now...You guys are lucky... :wink:

Anyway, good luck!
: )

Well I had the botox injections 2 weeks ago now and I can see the difference. I had 14 injections, was abit painful but well worth it so far. The sweating has reduced dramatically, I still sweat a little bit when its really hot, but its not that noticable. Its so strange wearing what I want LOL. On a night out I still find myself running to the toilets to check my top for sweat patches, (which aren't there!!) It feels so good. I just hope it lasts until I get my next injections in January.

Thankyou for all your replies its nice to know I'm not alone. :D



Hi Nikki,

I was wondering how the HH is going?

Any recommendations as to where to get it done and how much it costs?
