Botox for back? Or other solutions?


I had ETS surgery in 2007 for my hands. I now have compensatory sweating in my back. (I don't regret having the surgery because back is preferable to hands for me)

My GP has referred me for botox at my request but it's taken a year for them to get back to me :sad:

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone's tried it for their back? Or other treatments?

I've tried medication but I don't like it as it dries out my mouth, nose & eyes - & makes my contact lenses uncomfortable, & doesn't do much. I've used antiperspirants like Triple Dry & the ones that you put on at night that are supposed to build up but haven't noticed a difference with those either.

I can never wear what I want to, I'm constantly paranoid that I have a visible wet patch & it's horribly uncomfortable. Earlier today I was sitting in a University lecture wet & cold :crying: & all I'd done is caught a train there. I can't even walk to the train station because by the time I get there my back is wet & so are my clothes before I've even gotten on the train

It's gotten to the point that I am thinking up ways to create scar tissue on my back. I've genuinely thought about setting it alight :sad:

Any suggestions welcome!!


Also, is there anything else I can try from my doctor?
I am due to see her next month so if I can ask for something specific that would be good


Well-known member
The problem is that botox is not a permanent solution and quite expensive.

If money isn't the problem here, probably you can try Sub Dermal Laser Ablation (SDLA) or MiraDry, it can be done in the back region. Yes these are much more expensives than botox but the results are likely to be long lasting, even permanent

Consult to your doctor first (preferably dermatologic surgeon) if you want to do one of these 2 procedures.

Other than that you can try antiprespirant or ionto with special adapter for your back.
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