Blood Test


I had a blood test last week to check to see if there were any undelying problems which were causing my SA and depression.

I got the results back today and they all came back normal.

I know I should be really happy about this, but its made me feel twenty times worse! Now I know for sure that its all in my head, its psychological, a mental illness. I feel like such a loser.

I saw a cognitive behavioural therapist a while ago and she really helped, but you need such mental strength to keep-up the positive attitude. Its hard trying to like yourself, when the truth is, you just don't.

I've got nothing to hide behind now.


Well-known member
i think youre putting the horses behind the cart,

you don't have to like yourself, you just have to hate everybody else... oh! sorry this is the troll recipe.

seriously, you don't have to be in love with yourself, its would be great, and its a nice thing to work towards , but not being 100% ok with yourself is normal - you just cant let this stop you from living,you have your problems, you have your blessings, and none of them will matter while you don't do what you want, not what you think you can't or other don't want you to do.


Yeah, I know you're right. I have to face up to the fact that the only person that can really help me is me.