Bit confused...


Active member
Just curious as to why the need for a seperate forum.

I mean, I have bad social phobia, yet I've always been very shy and I cannot see or feel any difference between them. Not only that, I'm yet to see any solid explination of any differences.

My Pdoc says that the reason my SP has been hard to treat is because of my Avoidant personality disorder. Again, where's the difference between these?

Not something I'm hung up about, just wonder whether it causes more confusion than help?

Are you confused? :roll:
To me the difference is people get shy spontaneously. They don't anticipate it and don't worry about it beforehand. When you have SA its something you obsess over and it effects the way you live your life. But that's just my interpertation.


Active member
But shyness nearly always co-exists with avoidant behavior of some sort. Avoidant behavior isn't spontaneous.


Well-known member
My opinion is that being shy is lesser form of social anxiety.Shy people can be uneasy around others, but they don’t experience the extreme anxiety in anticipating a social situation,they don’t necessarily avoid circumstances that make them feel self-conscious and there life is usually not disrupted to a large degree by it.Were some one with social anxiety can be very uneasy around others ,they experience the extreme anxiety in anticipating a social situation,more then likely avoid circumstances that make them feel self-conscious and there life is more then likely disrupted to a large degree by it.


Active member
Yeah, a kind of scale seems to make more sense to me. I've heard some doctors, even on TV explain SP as 'extreme shyness'.

Maybe if I hang around these forums long enough it'll become a bit clearer to me the differences between the 2.


Well-known member
Yes I have also been wondering about that, but honestly couldn't find a definitive answer, especially about the difference between SP and avoidant personality.
As for myself, I'm not sure what I have and in which degree, but it's not nice at all to have it...