Being truly ugly is hard


Well-known member
It's like a handicap but worse because no one feels bad for you they just don't want to be around you. And when they do feel bad for you it makes you feel inferior. Ive had some weeks go by when nobody looked me in the face when they talked to me. Even my own family.

When I was small I started lifted weights and I got bigger. But being ugly is something that can't be controlled or improved. If there was a way I would be at it.

A crazy thing is about 9 months ago last year I meet a guy and he's probably the nicest person I've ever met. I dont think that he thinks im ugly but if he does he looks way past it. I'm not gay and neither is he but to find somebody like that was awesome. I wish more were like him. I get uncomfortable around other people.


Well-known member
aw, that sucks. Sorry to hear you feel that way about your appearance. Your low self-esteem may just be distorting your perception though. People don't typically avoid looking at ugly people unless they're hideously distorted from a disease or something. I doubt that's the case with you. I know several unattractive guys who lead happy successful lives though. I think the anxiety and depression are the real problems.