Because I say little, is what I say considered special?


I barely say anything, even among my group of friends. But the things I do say to people I remember for ages and for some strange reason expect people to find what I said meaningful and revealing about myself, even if it was something as pathetic as "Did you like it?". Who knows maybe they do think about it more, because I say very little. I'm just being hopeful... body language gives off more about you, everyone knows that.

Doesn't it seem weird that people have conversations every day and I can't even manage but answer questions and make it into some sort of interrogation. I can't imagine ever having a proper conversation with someone I'm not very close to, that would blow my mind.


Well-known member
I speak very less among group of people. And everyone says something funny and meaningful all the time while I can hardly respond intelligently.

I always talk lame, honestly. No good lines, but very rarely, I speak a meaningful and intelligent dialogue which makes me feel kinda proud.

In short, I'm similar to you.


If there are benefits to SAD I think that most people think I'm nice, and I think that's what I've become. I'm also a goodie-good because of SAD, getting told off I find way too painful.

I guess the problem with trying to sound intelligent is again I'm worrying what others think of me, that's the main problem isn't it!