bad reaction to paxil


I have SA and was prescribed paxil. It worked for a day or so then I became violently ill. I also felt like I was drugged out of my mind. If you know of any good med please let me know. I was thinking about trying a thing i saw online called seryden. Has anyone tried this?


Well first of all what dosage have you started on ? You should always start on the lowest does possible when beginning anti depressants and give it 2-3 weeks for the side effects to subside.

I'm taking lexapro however anti depressants do not change your mindset and are no miracle cure you have to accept yourself and change your whole mindset to realy see change. The lexapro helps for my depression more then anything and it keeps me on track and motivated to tackle my anxiety


oh ok well I still think you should have started off on the lower dosage Ive been on Lexapro twice and the second time I went back on I started off low then worked my way up