Bad or Disgusting habits!


Well-known member
I love threads like this, for those brave enough to post your bad or disgusting habits WELDONE!! WE SALUTE YOU!!

People think my habit of eating banana and marsbar sanwiches is gross, ya gotta try it, its luuuuuurvly. I have the annoying habit of arranging my food on my plate a certain way too...drives my mum and fiance nuts that does.

Awwwww, i really need to get myself some really disgusting habits to impress you
So, come on people, share!!!


Well-known member
to me smoking is a gross habit but then again, i've never smoked, plus i'm asthmatic so its not that its just gross but it makes me ill.


i just saw the most gross food combination ever.

my mum was eating cottage cheese with grapes?!?!

ewwwwwww made me gag