Bad illegal drugs and their impurities

I recently took ecstasy for the 2nd time, the first time i did it i snorted pure mdma, and my comedown wasn't half as bad, which makes me realise what impurities were included in these 'pills' i.e. ketamin, mcpp, mda, amphetamine etc. I did somewhere in the region of three to five pills, some of which I snorted and I was, to be blunt, buzzing my tits off - I had a great time and didn't want it to end.

Inevitably, it had to end, and on my comedown I went through sheer hell for nearly 5 days; panicking, depressed and also weary of other people and their motives. For a while I was worried that I'd fucked my serotonin up for life, but in conversation with a friend I was reassured that this was simply worrying to much. I finally feel human again and I urge all sufferers of anxiety to avoid 'uppers' such as ecstasy, speed and coke at all costs (all of which I've taken on occassions from teenage years to now; I'm 25).

Please share similar experiences


Well-known member
Shit, caffeine fucks me up!! There's no way in hell I'm going for a chemical upgrade anytime soon. Although it sounds like a shit ton of fun...
A shit ton of fun it certainly was. Euphoric and high as a kite for five hours; excited, tactile, talkative, horny, energetic, but dysphoric for days coming down. I finally feel human again and I don't intend to repeat the experience, it's too dirty and artificial.

I enjoy my thoughts, which are at times surreal, continuously aiding my writing. I appreciate genuine positivity and philosophy, no-one needs foolish chemical cocktails for these simple things.


Well-known member
yeah i was mad into that stuff when i was younger there really is nothing like the 2 extremes you get from pills
what always amazed me was how something so small can have such a big effect


New member
Must have been great, I remember once when this guy even managed to kill himself when taking a hude amount of that stuff. Pills are sometimes good if you want to be sick for a long time too, which is believe it or not a blessing in disguise, because it means there is a higher chance of actually losing your life, and that simply cannot be a bad thing. My friend once took a huge handful of pills but didn't successfully kill himself. I think I'll go take some now actually, all this talk about pills makes you want to go take some. Do you think pills are cool? I mean for another purpose other than killing oneself and inducing altered states of mind, when I ask that question.


Active member
never tried ecstasy, but I did trip out on magic mushrooms and that was NOT a pleasant experience. I could think about dozens of things at the same time, random lines of thought that just went on and on, but it all just seem to reinforce all the negative thoughts I had about myself and the world.

Though it was interesting how deep you could get into an idea and how metaphysical everything seemed, too many of my thoughts ended with the rational that suicide was the only way out.. Very scary and it took me a few hours to come down and those few hours were total agony.


Well-known member
yeah i got a load on the weekend (14 mcdonalds) great buzz but did have to spend the next day in bed , it sometimes upsets me to think i might have to give up something so beautiful because they really make my anxiety worse the next day


I hate to be the old fart on this one, but guyssssss be care full with drugs especially mdma in what ever form it takes. Im now 36 and was taking e from the age of 16 to 25 somtimes alot sometimes not so much, i was a dealer from the start and know lots about the drugs and thier short and long term effects. As you can imagine alot of my friends were doing exactly the same and not one of them feels it has had a positive effect on thier mental health. Anxiety inparticular social phobia is one of the major long term hangovers, it seriously messes with your serotonin levels which is one of the brain chemicals that governs you sense of 'well being' which is why when your on them they increase your confidence and generally make you feel great (it basically makes the brain receptors that produce and recieve these feel good chemicals go into over drive) Problem is that it can and often does limit these producing and recieving brain receptors from producing the 'normal' levels they used to emmit. If you do it every so often maybe 2 or three times a year chances are you wont notice a reduction and the low anxious feelings that come with the reduction, and the levels will return to normal. However if you do it regulary for a sustained priod of time you opening yourself up to a world of trouble. Lecture over make your own choices, enjoy the highs, but know the truth. Im a diagnosed low seratonin drepressive with all the anxiety issues that entails, as are more than half a dozen friends of mine from the wild old days, aand many more with lower level issues most axiety related. Gawd that was long winded lol


Active member
Chod77 said:
There is nothing worse than coming down off of cocaine!!! You go from feeling like the shit, to feeling like shit. Only people who have tried it can understand the hell you go through afterwards. There is no way to describe it. Stimulants are definitely not a good idea for people with depression.

Coke? Thats nothing, there is no come down, you just crash out and have an extra long sleep.

If you have actually tried it, then it must have been cut with something freaky, because that doesn't sound like any experience I've ever had with it.