bad advice!!!


Why do people try and give me bad advice?? no matter how bad my problem is or if i ask for there advice or not I can always count on stupid advice like
It just never ends people are always trying to run my life and I hate it.
does anyone ealse have the same problems people always trying to run your life??


Well-known member
you should appreciate the advices of others
if others aren't giving the advices you purposely, it probably because they don't care.
and yeah i had that problem before..
what i did was.....
well, i stopped asking for advices lol


Well-known member
yay said:
you should appreciate the advices of others
if others aren't giving the advices you purposely, it probably because they don't care.
and yeah i had that problem before..
what i did was.....
well, i stopped asking for advices lol

Giving good ,carefully thought advice and giving ANY advice is not the same thing. If people give you crappy advice that doesn't necesarily mean they care about you.


Well-known member
Hi ozcar,
I believe I know what you mean. Anxiety is felt by everyone and most people deal with it by ignoring it and 'getting on with it'. (This works for a person until they get that little bit more emotional and then, guess what, it actually makes them more anxious.)

A lot of people simply won't understand what you're dealing with. and it is unfair because, with their 'just get on with it' attitude they belittle the difficulty you have with actually getting your strong emotions into balance. It is always much easier to 'just get on with it' when you don't have as much to control.

I believe that people with an actual anxiety problem, as opposed to people who just experience anxiety, that we have to deal with this differently. That the more we try their method of blocking it out and 'just getting on with it' that the worse it gets for us. So it is bad advice for two reasons -in that it is what you've been doing all along to get to the stage where anxiety has become a problem, and it likewise is a strategy that tries to contain something that won't be controlled in such a way.

No, for people with a real anxiety problem, we really have to take a completely different approach. The more we try to get rid of anxiety all in one go, the worse our anxiety gets -and people who are less sensitive/sensitized use this method of blocking it out/facing your fears, which really just bottles anxiety up so that they can brave their inhibitions. So, these people simply have little to no awareness and understanding of what is right as applies to situations involving those with greater sensitivity and/or anxiety problems.

I would say: go with your guts and ignore their advice. You already know more than they do. (For some of those people -eventually given the right conditions, all of those people- such a method of dealing with anxiety and fear would only lead them into a vicious circle of fear and likewise a real anxiety problem ...the only true difference is the amount of emotion that a person is trying to control.)

And one other thing ...I believe that a respect and acceptance of the difficulty that others have with mastering their emotional control is what opens the door to the individual creating their own for themselves. in: do not judge others and God will not judge you. For you, part of the challenge will be to accept that people who give you what is essentially 'quick fix' advice, lack a real appreciation of the amount of strength and control required. In other words: you can see that the way that they think about mastering fears and anxiety, puts them only a few steps away from bottling-up emotions to create even more anxiety for themselves (this is especially true for people who are judgemental towards you). ...In other words, they themselves haven't mastered or understood the nature of the 'vicious circle'. But it's in your interest to observe this and forgive them for their lack of understanding. Also is it in your interest to notice the hidden weakness of people who judge you harshly. ...Understand the vicious circle and you'll have wisdom that gives you confidence and lets you see through others, and that allows you to have the tolerance and patient strength for other people even though they may not have this for you.


Well-known member
some people

Really are trying to help, they just don't really know that what they are saying sounds soo stupid sometimes.

I had to go to unemployment a few months back after my contract ended and then to collect I had to go to reemployment classes or they would deny my claim.. There were like 8 reemployment classes, most of which were utterly useless.

But I remember the one class where the teacher, friendly guy, spoke about how to find a job, what to do, how to network and all this other stuff. Some of it was good advice.

Then he asked if anybody in the class(about 20 people), were shy. A few people raised their hands, i almost didn't want to, but i did, didn't raise it high and proud though.

Anyway, he started speaking about, for shy people to get into HR, get interviews, start networking and get a job that we would have to pretend we aren't shy.. That we should be bold and for that 30 minutes or hour we should pretend we are not shy and then afterwords we can go back to being shy.

Honestly it was the stupidest thing I ever heard.

He wasn't being mean spirited or anything, he really thought he was giving good advice..

But if it was that simple, nobody would ever have SA or be shy.


Well-known member
Because in the world that appears to their mind, this is how to 'fix' the problem.

Each one of us live in our own world, perceived by our mind. Their world is different to ours but very similar.

Each one of us are part of others' worlds and so when we are given advice we should ask our self how things really exist, who is right and who is wrong? What reality is true?

That's why my teacher always advises me, "be your own doctor, boss, friend, helper, you are your own refuge"
