Auras and stuff like that...


Well-known member
I can't see auras.
People watching would be much more interesting if I could, but don't you agree that there is something you can sense from another person without any visible action?
Do you ever walk into a room, sense the atmosphere tension between people and proceed with caution?
Have you ever met someone and sensed that they were insecure/dependent/overbearing/a cheater/untrustworthy?

I wonder if all people have this ability. Some more than others, probably.
I believe that people with SP, and other disorders are more sensitive to disturbing stimuli, sensitive to the invisible. Introverts can read people, while extroverts are more skilled at expressing themselves.

Is there an energy force emanating from everything? Do some people experience that as color Auras, and does that color show their personality?

(this is all coming up because I happened to pick up a book on auras at my therapists office)
What do you think?


Well-known member
I believe we all have the ability to read people like that. Extroverts (who control the world) are just too preoccupied with themselves to pay any attention to anyone or anything else, so it seems like only introverts have the ability.
Introverts are the normal ones. Extroverts have a problem and need to learn to be more sensitive. :wink:


Well-known member
I agree wholeheartedly, LibertadIlusoria.

:oops: :oops:
Some people think I'm a moron for doing this, but at this holistic fair yesterday, I got my aura photographed. It was really cool to watch it flicker on the screen. At first nothing happened, and the colors kept changing, I was so nervous, I felt like my soul was on the screen or something and people were walking by and I couldn't relax. The nice lady using the computer got me to relax after a while and it turns out I was just guarding myself, which I always do in new situations. Anyway I'm all yellows and greens.
I was surprised. She told me a lot of true things about myself, about the issues I'm facing, etc. I knew right away that this woman wasn't in it for the money. She really believed in what she was doing. The chakras were also on the screen and she mentioned my throat chakra was sort of closed up.
"Do you have trouble speaking?" she asked me.
That was amazingly true for me, as I'm always choking on my words and have to force them out. I've also been having repetetive dreams about choking. Weird huh?
I don't really know what to believe, but I do know that I want to find out how that machine works and what's the science behind aura photography.


Well-known member
I'd like to be an extrovert too, jinxed! I know a few people whose throat chakras must be wide open and freer than anything...and honestly that's what I want to be.
At the same time, we need to realize that not everyone looks like they feel. You look around at a party (which I've been to maybe one or two :roll: ), and everyone seems so much more confident, so much better. They're the life of the party, but they could very well be a bundle of nerves inside. It's damaging to compare ourselves to these false images of perfection. It's unfair, because it's not real, we can't be perfect, even extroverts have problems....granted, we have more than our share of anxiety, but it will only make you feel worse if you're constantly comparing yourself to everyone else. Don't look at other people. It's not a race.
Yes, this is a habit I'm trying to break, and it's difficult because it's been a part of me for what feels like my entire life. I'm still working on it!
:D :D


Well-known member
All living things do have a certain aura to display their innermost feelings and moods. For instance, you can tell with someone with a poker face doesn't want to be bother or is in a bad mood simply by their aura (mood) vibes around them. However, some people are more sensitive than others around aura vibes of others. I doesn't mean other people can't feel them; it just they rather ingore these vibes or are too preoccuiped at moment with something else.