Assholes bring out the best in me.


Well-known member
Salt the earth, as it were? :cool:

Yeah, I never heard that phrase before this thread.

But Im not going to lie, if they deserve the hate, I might as well have some fun.

I think I've figutred out something important about myself though. I have always enjoyed fighting, like physically, with friends and my bros. I enjoy the sport, watching UFC, practicing/talking about MMA, etc. I think I've realized that enjoying fighting, and being an asshole, aren't necessarily the same. The line can be easily blurred, but it is there.


Well-known member
Oh no, you're like my sister. She has so much fire in her blood it makes my head spin. It's only a bad thing when I'm the one who is dealing with her. I appreciate when she hides that side of herself for peace, but I know what the real her is like which is why I keep her at arm's length.
And then this distance is why she attacks me. It's a never-ending cycle.
Got any advice?
Should I put on a thick padded suit and spend more time around her?


Well-known member
When someone says/does something stupid and it pisses me off, or I strongly disagree with it, then I become ridiculously motivated to "knock them down a peg". Even if I only witness it happen, and have no prior involvement in any way.

My question is... Is this motivation and "thirst" to even-up the odds a bad thing?
Certainly no worse and definetely better than ganging up with the bully.

Is this a self destructive personality trait to act upon?
I guess it depends how far out of your depth you are willing to go, like the calibar of bully you're likely to be dealing with.

Am I as bad as the "bully"?
No, because you're not attacking innocents like a lot of bullies do.


I've been into tons of fights and scraps (although in the last 5-6 years none!). Honestly most of the time, Assholes will do what's in their nature to do, and that is be and do the asshole thing. You either understand that they're retarded or your going to get a rap for being aggressive. However I feel that if you can teach someone a lessons with a placed punch, and it's deserved, well hey, sometimes you can only get through to these people by standing up to them. Then again I've been the asshole and gotten hit, I NEVER acted like that again, it's a humbling and painful experience.