Asking Girls out

Hey all! I know there have been tonnes of other threads on this subject, but this is a pretty common problem with high-schoolers like me. You see I think this girl is interested in me, and I'm interested in her so I think I'll let her know over Facebook. I'm not too great talking face to face, but I think if she says yes I'll have the confidence to take things further. What do you guys think? :confused:


Well-known member
Hi Irish.

I may be a little old school, and I'm not a big fan of online social networking sites to begin with, but I would steer clear of initially asking a girl out through Facebook. Especially if you have the opportunity to see her face to face and do it, even though I know this is more difficult.

It's very impersonal and may put her off a bit, as opposed to you asking her in person. If you are really interested in this girl I would definitely go for it, but make it more personal by doing it face to face.
Hey BikeDude, thanks for the advice :) and I agree, talking face to face has it's advantages. The thing I'm worried about is I don't have any classes with her and when I see her a lunch she's with her group of friends which adds to my anxiety, but hopefully I'll ask her when I have the chance


Well-known member
You're welcome, anytime. :)

I can understand the added anxiety while she's surrounded by her friends. Could you catch her right before or after lunch possibly? Another idea may be to "bump" into her at the end of the day.

Keep us posted on how it works out. Your experience may just inspire someone else to do the same.