asked to speak up during a speech/presentation?

I did a presentation today (luckily it was a group presentation and I only had to speak 90 seconds) and overall we had a good presentation.

However, when it was my turn to speak, I started and then the teacher interrupted and told me to speak up, and I was like, "No, not again!"
It has happened in almost every speech I have given, like the teacher or students a few times have asked me to speak up, and it is embarrassing every single time. I was the only one in the class who was asked to speak up, so that was an added component for making me feel bad.
But, I was able to speak a little more loudly and said my part okay, although I could feel myself shaking the whole time. A few times my voice wavered too.

I just wanted to know, has that ever happened to you where you're asked to speak up in the middle of a speech or something? If so, how did you feel?

P.S. Thanks to the people here who wished me good luck on the presentation :)
Yeah I've had teachers tell me to talk louder when I was presenting something. I've also had them tell me to slow down because I was talking super fast. It definitely doesn't make me feel good when teachers say things like that to me. I just wanted to get done with the presentation and get the attention off of me, but I guess that back fired. :oops:


New member
Hi wherecaringhappens, yes I too felt quite a bit nervous while giving presentations. I started sweating all over, but then when you finish the discussion/presentation you feel good. You feel confident. Fact is that even the greatest Orators in history like Abrahim Lincoln, Swami Vivekananda etc did feel anxious before a gathering. So in way our problem isnt that bad :)