Arrghhhh!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! ARGGGHH!


Active member
I spend a lot of my days alone inside my house and I'd rather this than spending it with a house full of people. I've kind of accepted that this is my life, I'm not anybody in particular. Of course, its never that simple cause everybody needs company unfortunately, and the company I get is just not the company I want, its either my parents or my sister. There is just no way for me to meet people (women) as my fear of social interaction overpowers my desire to make friends, and I just carry on with my life of solitude with the aid of fiction, alcohol, porn, exercise and whatever else that gets me by, and I know that none of you have an answer cause most of you are probably in the same boat. Oh yeah, that's the other thing, I have depression now! It all just gets better and better doesn't it!? I now find myself sometimes thinking whether this is worth it or not, whether living this life for the sake of it is worth it. I'm not talking about suicide or anything, I just sometimes find myself not caring what happens to me anymore, if you see the difference there. I'd like to end this on a positive note, and I'd like to say that we can all recover from whatever we have wrong with us, but I don't believe that at the moment, sorry, that's not to say its not true though, I don't know! I don't want to add to people's woe!


There there, before anything else let me just say this - I've thought about suicide before, but the reason I didn't keep thinking about it nor did I do it was because of my family, I just couldn't bare to think about their sadness, focus on that whenever you feel like life is worthless. Depression? It will come and go, I'm weird in that situation, I get depressed at some nights for no reason at all. But I consider myself lucky to be honest, I've had SF since I can remember living but still I am in a better situation than most of you, from what I can collect. The trick that I can give you is to challenge yourself man, force yourself to do stuff. Think through stuff and don't accept it. Go to a bar, as painful as it will be it will be worth it, just stare at people and drink a beer or whatever, and do baby steps about it. Just don't accept it. I never did even before I knew what it was and I'm still having a lot of problems, but I have friends, male and female, in fact my best friend is a girl. Just don't accept it as it is, learn to live with it but in a 'fightful' way. That is what I can tell you.