are you lazy?

are you lazy?

  • yes

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  • no

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New member
do you. or have other people called you lazy? or procratinate a lot or disorganized all the time? can you give exemples...and also..well if your not lazy...say it also.


Well-known member
My parents and my grandma always call me lazy, and I am.

Right now my room is extremelly messy and I'm embarassed about anyone coming in seeing my room, it's been like this for a week now and I keep telling myself I have to clean it but I keep putting it off.


Active member
lazy yep get called it by my mam, lazy coz i stay in my room 24/7 wonder if she even knows why i stay in it. i.e im lazy coz i have a jeep but i don't go out in it but to go out in it i need money to put fuel in it - balance between cough pay that has to last 2 weeks - don't know how anyone with a life can live on gov pay or even have a life.