Are there any options left for me?


New member
I have had hyperhidrosis since middle school. I had sweaty palms and underarms. My palms were always moist but the main problem was the armpits, no matter what I was always soaked through my shirts.
I had ETS surgery when I was Junior in high school and at first it was amazing, no sweating at all! My hands have never gotten sweaty again and I am constantly applying lotion to keep them hydrated. But my armpits gradually starting sweating bad and now they are worse than before and on top of that I sweat everywhere profusely pretty much all the time. I am a master at hiding it when I need to but now I just void the social scenes if possible. I'm sick of hiding though, I want to wear the clothes I want and go wherever I want and not worry about having to stop at home to change....again.
So I have been looking for options, but it seems like I don't really have any left. Money is an issue, I have insurance but that only take you so far, so its limiting the things I can do. And it seems like I did the most drastic option and it didn't work, so what is there left?
I have been seeing a lot about the Iontophoresis but I can't find anyone who has used it for axillary hyperhidrosis, let alone someone who has had success. Botox is so expensive that I can't even consider it and the whole liposuction treatment looks tempting but I'm sure it's even more expensive. I am at a loss, does anyone have any ideas or experiences that can steer me in the right direction??


The Fischer MD-1a comes with an option for pads that you can stick under your arms so there is that option which might or might not work. Have you tried drysol under your arms? I know its one of the first steps to take but my Aunt has HH Auxillary and she started using drysol and now she is pretty much 100% dry. I would look into those options and maybe look into taking some Robinul or Avert or something oral to help control the overall body sweat. Try to knock one thing off at a time. If your hands don't sweat any more than that should be a load off your shoulders. Now try and figure out how to control the Auxillary sweat by using drysol or look into the Ionto with the under arm pads. Once you have that under control then look into some other options like the oral medication. I know it sucks. I have palmar HH and it really has killed my Social Life the last year or so so I know how it can effect people. Hang in there.


Well-known member
You sound pretty desparate which is a great shame given what you have been through already and I don't have your symptons as I sweat from the face and head.

As the last poster mentioned, try the topical solutions first, like drysol, hopefully that will help. Othersise, Robinul, which i also haven't tried may help. Failing that try Probanthine, my pill of choice and it helps me massively but I have no knowledge whether it helps the underarms but is worth a try.

Keep your chin up and keep trying alternatives until you find one that helps.
