Applying for first job + interview


Well-known member
uh, just don't get your hopes up is all I can think of. I guess I could say look confident, people can see that always, even more when your the complete opposite as most people here. Just pretend your going there to get denied, so expect to not get the job, you might not be so worried and afraid of getting turned down so you might be a little more confident, who knows.

If it is a job just stacking items or working in the back room or whatever, then there really is no reason to turn you down unless they already had a better person, but if its as a cashier then you might not get so lucky, although if you get lucky then it could help you with being social.


Well-known member
Its the Dollar Store, they don't expect you to be a doctor that travels the world in your spare time feeding starving kids.

Pad it up and make it sound good and look on the internet for common interview questions and answer them to yourself and make it sound good.

Its the Dollar Store, they're not going to turn you down. They know that this is the kind of place you go for a first job, so they're going to expect you to be rough around the edges your first time out


Well-known member
An interviewer or potential employer in a place like that would be more interested in what you can potentially do than what you have already done. If you can come across as being keen to learn the ropes then you may have a chance.

I would seriously consider doing some voluntary work in your spare time, something you would feel comfortable doing. That way your resume would have something of note on it and there will, of course, be someone you could go to for a reference.

It could also help with your anxiety.

I did voluntary work for a while and I can highly recommend it. Look on the internet, there are plenty of voluntary organisations listing opportunities.

Best of luck.